7 Advent Resources From Lighthouse Catholic Media

Let’s be honest – December is a crazy month – amiright? Every December I have the best of intentions of truly using Advent as a time of preparation, but most Decembers, the pink candle is lit on the Advent wreath before I even realize that I have done nothing at all to prepare my heart for Christ’s coming. Prepare to prepare this Advent by taking advantage of the spiritual riches of Lighthouse Catholic Media teachings. Throw on one of these talks in the car as you are out Christmas shopping or in the kitchen while baking or on the treadmill while working off the goodies that abound every December. Follow the links below to purchase a CD or MP3 download of these inspiring talks. (Full disclosure – I am a Lighthouse Catholic Media Account Manager – mainly because I was a big fan of their CDs first – so if you buy through the links – I get a commission!) 1. God Made Man by Father Shannon Collins2. Prepare the Way of the King by Dr. Scott Hahn3. A Journey Through Advent: Liturgical Cycle C by Father (now Bishop) Robert Barron4. The Mystery of Christmas by Father Larry Richards5. The True Meaning of Christmas by Archbishop Fulton Sheen6. Confession by Father Larry Richards7. The Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell by Father Michael SchmitzYou may be wondering why I included numbers 6 & 7 on a list of Advent CD’s. The fact is, Advent is a penitential season (something that can easily get overlooked in the hustle and bustle of Chrismas preparations). Although less rigorous than its partner in purple – Lent, Advent remains a season where we should avail ourselves of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Fr. Larry Richards talk on Confession is just about the best one on that subject