St. John's Chapel of Peace allows for Eucharistic Adoration 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Want to spend time with Jesus? Go Now!
Jesus We Adore You
An Invitation to Adore from the Adorers of
St. John Perpetual Adoration Chapel
The St. John Adoration Community is a Christ-centered community that believes in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. We invite you to spend time with Jesus and become a friend of Jesus in deed as well as word. We are looking for individuals who are willing to share their lives with Jesus and make a commitment to be with Jesus once a week in the St. John Adoration Chapel of Peace.
As a community we are before the face of Jesus twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year. We adore Jesus-in-Exposition in the Chapel of Peace located in the St. John Medical Center at 21st and Utica. We ask, Do you have an hour a week to grow in knowledge and friendship of Jesus and to receive the Peace of Jesus?
Where is the chapel located?
The Chapel of Peace is located within the St. John Medical Center. The Chapel of Peace is on the first floor of the hospital. The chapel is fifty feet south of the Information Desk on the first floor of the hospital and it is marked with a simple small bronze sign to the left of the door which says Chapel of Peace. The web address gives you access to a map of the St. John campus. From the map you can locate the chapel by identifying the Connecting Building, which is north of the Siegfried Tower. The chapel is on the first floor of the Connecting Building, fifty feet south of the Information Desk.

1923 S Utica Ave Tulsa, OK 74104
Whom do I contact?
The adoration day is divided into four parts: early morning, midnight to 6 am, morning, 6 am to noon, afternoon, noon to 6 pm and evening 6 pm to midnight. We ask you decide which part of the day is most suitable for you to spend time with Jesus. For example, if you work, evening or early morning hours might be best for you.
After you decide which part of the day works for you, contact a coordinator. For an early morning hour contact Rosemary Metzler, e-mail, ph. 918-949.6155; for an morning hour contact Diana D’Souza, DDSouza@Ci.Tulsa.OK.US, ph 918-596.7661; for an afternoon hour contact Helga Gorman, ph 918-254.6786, e-mail; and for an evening hour contact Ellen Barton, ph 918-829.6561, e-mail Ellen.Barton@OKState.Edu. We try to schedule two adorers per hour so that vacations and emergencies are easily accommodated.
What is essential?
To all who accept our invitation to be friends of Jesus we ask you:
i) to believe your prayer is offered by Jesus to the Father.
ii) to recognize that the Chapel of Peace, the space enclosed by its walls, is Holy Ground.
iii) to faithfully cover your hour each week and to await the arrival of your relief before leaving the Chapel of Peace, i.e. to recognize that adoration is a weekly commitment.
Where are you?
What is asked above these depends upon you, upon where you are in your journey of Faith. We do desire his adorers, his friends, to see Him: to believe in Him, to pray to Him, to recognize Him, to grow in Him and to know Him. We desire you:
i) to believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist,
ii) to pray, entering into a dialogue with Jesus,
iii) to recognize that the desire for holiness is what each of us is called to regardless of our station or occupation in the world,
iv) to grow in intimacy with the Lord, becoming a true friend and
v) to know that it is the Lord’s work to make us who we are in Him, to make us new in Him.
But these additional five dos are not what is essential to begin spending time with Jesus. The dialogue that takes place between your soul and Jesus determines what else is demanded and when such demands might be made. These five additional tos are not all immediately obvious or are they made immediately. Love draws you as an adorer to desire them. We are free to surrender or not. Those that continue to be drawn by the Father are drawn freely to be his intimate friends.
Why do it?
By spending time with Jesus, by spending time in the presence of the Man-God, we invest the only money we really have, our time. Jesus, for his part, uses that time effectively to form us in His image. It’s like going to a personal trainer at the YMCA and spending an hour or more with him to be the best athlete you can be. Some take the opportunity more seriously than others and spend more than an hour a week. However, everyone can benefit by spending at least one hour a week with a Special Trainer.
Yes, there is something unique about the space of the Chapel of Peace and the importance of praying there. Its secret is the Real Presence of Jesus. Why make a phone call when you can appear in person? Prayer anywhere else is like making a phone call. Beside, we know that talking to a friend face-to-face is always more beneficial. Adoration of Jesus-in-Exposition provides such face-to-face contact.
How can we really believe in the graciousness of God who continues to be truly present to us in the person Jesus? It requires the humility of the Man-God to accept His graciousness. Where can we get this humility except from Jesus who has it? To believe in God and his absolute goodness in this proud age requires the strength of God. Ask Jesus for it face-to-face.