Yr. Obdt. Svt on Sola Scriptura
Now en Espanol!Here’s the context for CERC’s Spanish site.An informal survey back in 2012 confirmed that while there are some very good news sites for Spanish speaking Catholics, there are no web sites doing what CERC is doing in the Spanish language. Given that there are 37 million Spanish speakers in the United States alone and over 387 million Spanish speakers in the world, it is unacceptable that Spanish speaking Catholics do not have better access to the best in Catholic thinking and analysis on the web. With the support of Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, Archbishop José Gómez of Los Angeles, Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, and Archbishop Peter Sartain of Seattle CERC set to work in 2013 to create a Spanish language mirror site of English CERC translating the best and most important articles on English CERC into Spanish.If you speak Spanish or have friends who do, point them at CERC. Also, if you know some articles they can post or translate, drop them a line!