This Lent, Prepare Yourself for a Marian Consecration

Want to drop a V6 engine into your Volkswagen Bug prayer life? Would you like to battle sin and Satan and sabotage like the mighty saints of yore? Then gird your loins, get on your knees, and prepare yourself for Marian Consecration.
Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary…
Today, Friday, February 20th, is not only a day for fasting and walking the Stations of the Cross. It’s also the day St. Louis de Montfort would have us begin a 33-day preparation for a Marian Consecration. It’s timed perfectly so that we can consecrate ourselves to Jesus through Mary on March 25th, the Feast of the Annunciation.
What is Marian Consecration? Only the biggest, baddest, most beautiful thing you can do this year. Only the scariest, most inspiring, most sacred thing you can start doing every year. Marian Consecration is nothing less than devoting your life exclusively to Jesus through Mary. It’s nothing less than giving all that you are and that everything you have into the gentle hands of the Mother of God.
Little Christs
Marian Consecration will expose sin in your life and challenge the status quo, but giving Mary permission to do the job God gave her to do is also the “surest, easiest, shortest, and the most perfect means” for bringing glory to God. Should we expect anything less? Mary is, after all, the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven, the Mediatrix of all graces, and the Immaculate Conception. There are so many things we could explore about Marian Consecration, but I want to just zoom in on my favorite: Mary is the Immaculate Conception.
“Um, what?!” the old disenchanted modernist in you might be asking. “How can Mary be the Immaculate Conception?!” To which, I would answer: But how can she not be? What Our Lady revealed to St. Bernadette of