The Incorruptible Saints (Pictures)

A great book on the Incorruptibles – “The Incorruptibles: A Study of the Incorruption of the Bodies of Various Catholic Saints and Beati” by: Joan Carroll Cruz
Another interesting read here and here
The incorrupt body of Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, wax portraiture over bone, San Crisogono, Rome. (All photos: Elizabeth Harper)
The wax effigy of St. Carlo da Sezze. His relics are enshrined under the altar behind his effigy, San Francesco d’Assisi a Ripa Grande, Rome.
The incorrupt body of St. Robert Bellarmine, Sant’Ignazio di Loyola a Campo Marzio, Rome.
The incorrupt body of St. Camillus de Lellis. His skeleton is not in the effigy, but housed in a compartment underneath, La Maddalena, Rome.
The relics of St Wittoria, the skeleton of a catacomb martyr, covered in gauze and dressed. Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome.
The tomb of St. Cecilia, the first incorrupt saint. This famous effigy depicts the position her body was found in. Note the wound in her neck from her martyrdom., Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Rome.
The incorrupt body of St. Francesca Romana, Santa Francesca Romana, also called Santa Maria Nova, Rome.
The relics of St. Giovanni da Triora Santa Maria, Santa Maria in Aracoeli, Rome.
The incorrupt body of St. Paula Frassinetti, Convento di Santa Dorotea, Rome.
The incorrupt body of St. Pope Pius V, Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome.
The wax effigy and relics of St. Victoria, the skeleton of a catacomb martyr with cutaways to show her relics. Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome.
The incorrupt arm of St. Francis Xavier, Il Gesu, Rome.
Catherine of Bologna
Saint Padre Pio
St. Maria Goretti