Quotes from St. Philip Neri

The church celebrates the Feast of St. Philip Neri on May 26. I was delighted to discover a treasure chest of his maxims here, which has only stirred up an interest in this unique saint. I read this great post about the Oratory which St. Philip Neri founded and their unique charisms, which led me to order the movie: Saint Philip Neri: I Prefer Heavenin the hopes of really jumping into his life.Our family is particularly excited about St. Philip Neri because our parish is being established as an Oratory of St. Philip Neri. It is a joy to watch the priests who will be part of the oratory minister with the same zeal and immense joy that St. Philip Neri had and we pray in a special way for his intercession for this newly formed Oratory – that it will be a “city on a hill” for all who witness God’s love through it. Below are five quotes from St. Philip Neri which most jumped off the page at me, but limiting it to a mere five was a struggle indeed. Please feel free to pin and share the wisdom of this great saint! -1–2–3–4–5-Read Related Posts Here:Pope Francis Quotes on the Holy SpiritQuotes from St. Francis XavierI’m participating in Worth Revisit Wednesday with this post. Head on over to host’s Allison and Reconciled to You and Elizabeth at Theology is a Verb for some more great Catholic posts. Please note that this post contains Affiliate Links – which basically means that if you click and shop through any of the Amazon or Lighthouse links, my domestic church will receive a small commission. Woo-hoo! We greatly appreciate the support!