Pope St. John Paul II’s Reflection on Reverence for Life

For Reverence for Life
The Catholic Man Show
How precious is Your love, O God!… For with You is the fountain of life, and in Your light we see light. Psalm 36:8,10
This is a reflection from Pope St. John Paul II on the reverence for life:
“Jesus proclaims that life finds its center, its meaning and its fulfillment when it is given up … We too are called to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters, and thus to realize in the fullness of truth the meaning and destiny of our existence. We shall be able to do this because You, O Lord, have given us the example and have bestowed on us the power of You Spirit. We shall be able to do this if every day, with You and like You, we are obedient to the Father and do His will. Grant, therefore, that we may listen with open and generous hearts to every word which proceeds from the mouth of God. Thus shall we learn not only to obey the commandment not to kill human life, but also to revere life, to love it, and to foster it.”
[Evangelium Vitae, n. 51]
Do you live in Tulsa, OK and want to be involved in the pro-life movement? Every Thursday at the Garden of Hope at 11:30am, Adam and David meet to pray the rosary for the sanctity of life! All are welcome to join us!
March for Life is this coming January. The mission of the March for Life is to provide all Americans with a place to testify to the beauty of life and the dignity of each human person. Both in January, on the anniversary of legalized abortion in the US, and throughout the year we bring together pro-life leaders and groups to organize, unite and strategize around a common message, and to communicate this message to the government, the media and the nation in a way that is powerful and life affirming. Become involved and be a protector of life! Click here for more information.
“Everyone knows John Paul II: his face, his characteristic way of moving and speaking; his immersion in prayer and his spontaneous cheerfulness. Many of his words have become indelibly engraved in our memories, starting with the passionate cry with which he introduced himself to the people at the beginning of his pontificate: ‘Open wide the doors to Christ, and be not afraid of him!’ Or this saying: ‘No one can live a trial life; no one can love experimentally.’ An entire pontificate is condensed in words like these. It is as though he would like to open the doors for Christ everywhere and wishes to open up to people the gate that leads to true life, to true love.” – Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI