More on evangelization

So the other day I made a wisecrack about Catholic evangelization.A reader who is a better man than I am took it as a bit of challenge to find out actual information about Catholic evangelization efforts. He writes:I was glad to see Fr. Joe’s column addressing the question, “How do I evangelize?” There are other ways members of the laity can evangelize, one of which you might want to bring to the attention of your readers.Members of The St. Francis Xavier and St. Therese of Lisieux Society evangelize by mailing cards to people in states with a low percentage of Catholic residents inviting them to take a free correspondence course in the teachings of the Catholic Church. The course is given by Catholic Home Study Service in Perryville, MO.Mailing lists and cards are provided free. The only cost is a first class mail stamp and the time it takes to address a card and pray for the person who receives it.Anyone who wants more information about the Society can write to the Director, Dennis O’Connor, at PO Box 126, Purdys, NY 10578.The Catholic Home Study Service website is here.And particularly with respect to missions to minorities here in the US, he writes:I tried Google. I got the Black and Indian Missions Office.