Minute Meditations for Lent

Theme for the Week
Inviting God In
Ash Wednesday
Let your steadfast love come to me, O Lord,
your salvation according to your promise.…
Remember your word to your servant,
in which you have made me hope.
This is my comfort in my distress,
that your promise gives me life.
Psalm 119:41, 49–50
Take a moment and let God in. Invite him into the places of your heart and your life that you most want to hide from him. Ask him to speak to you about these places and to give you the courage to begin to trust him with your life in ever-deeper ways.
Yes, Lord, please come. I invite you into my heart and into my life. I give you permission to walk through the rooms of my heart and the halls of my life. Visit with your healing presence. Come to me here. Come heal me here.
Prayer: Lord, I await you.
Taken from Minute Meditations for Lent by Kathryn J. Hermes, FSP
Compiled and with prayers by Christine S. Setticase, FSP