Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig on Ayn Rand and her Christian devotees


There are few things more indicative of the advanced state of disease in “conservative” Christian circles than the embarrrassing and disgusting fascination with enemy of God Ayn Rand.  The spectacle of watching Catholics twist themselves into pretzels trying to pretend she was “Aristotle” to Paul Ryan’s “St. Thomas” was one of the most appalling and ridiculous farces of the 2012 election.Refresher:“I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.” – Anti-Christian, Satanic Pride.  Also a typical quote from Ayn Rand.“The Son of Man came not be be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” ChristianYet another example of the mind-bogglingly 180 degrees off the beam lack of discernment with which the Thing That used to be Conservatism routinely infects “conservative” Christians. 


Pat Flynn Coming to Tulsa

By Adam Minihan | April 1, 2022

Pat Flynn comes to Tulsa for the Alcuin Institute and St. Michael Catholic Radio Speaker…

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Suan Sonna Coming to Tulsa

By Adam Minihan | March 1, 2022

The Alcuin Institute for Catholic Culture and St. Michael Catholic Radio will be hosting Suan…

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