Daniel Schwindt writes…

Just read your post in which you quote Aquinas in defense of Francis. I love to see writers highlighting the distinction between justice and charity in regard to that heinous swear-word, “redistribution.” I wanted to share a recent piece of my own on just this.
It represents the 5th part in a 6-part series on CST. You might find it agreeable.
PS: The Aleteia editors pick the titles… I’d have gone with something more subtle.
He also adds:
Also, I wanted to share with you my recently completed book, which is essentially a letter to my fellow millenials. Just so that you have a basic idea of who I am, I write at Ethika Politika, and I am an editor at Solidarity Hall. This makes me a fellow-traveler with, and friend of, Elias Crim, whom you might know.
All the chapters are extremely short—very little commitment required (intentional, since it is aimed at the meme generation).