This Catholic Life: Rosalie Invited TCMS on her Podcast!

Authentic Masculinity: The Catholic Man Show talks with Rosalie Contrite!
Adam and David sat down with Rosalie Contrite and talked on her podcast, This Catholic Life.
Visit her site to review the 10 signs of authentic masculinity that we talk about on our show!
Check out the podcast here:
Follow Rosalie on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Podomatic and let her know what you thought of our interview!
A little about Rosalie:
Former militant atheist turned contrite Catholic.
Wife. Mother. Bibliophile. Sesquipedalian. Zealous. Sarcastic. Comedic. Determined. Postings by Rosalie Contrite. Podcast episodes weekly on Sun/Mon. Find me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter below. Please always feel free to reach out to me to suggest topics or give feedback at RosalieContrite @ or Contrite.Catholic @
Social Media:
- This Catholic Life podcast HOMEPAGE
- Facebook Page for Contrite Catholic Blog and This Catholic Life Podcast
- Instagram: @RosalieContrite
- Twitter: @RosalieContrite
- Pinterest: @RosalieContrite
- Periscope: @RosalieContrite
- This Catholic Life podcast on BreadBox Media
- This Catholic Life on iTunes
- This Catholic Life on Stitcher
A big thank you to Rosalie for allowing us to come onto her show – we had a great time and really appreciated the much needed conversation about masculinity!