A New Book on Pope John Paul I

Reader Lori Pieper writes:I have fantastic news about my book of John Paul I’s writings that I hope you’ll share with your readers — I have a new edition coming out, and have snagged a Cardinal to write the preface!To be exact, the new edition of A Passionate Adventure: Living the Catholic Faith Today is now available on Amazon for pre-order (print and Kindle), with a preface by Justin Cardinal Rigali, a revised Foreword – and oh yes! a cover blurb by a certain Mark Shea. It was published on September 28, the 36th anniversary of John Paul I’s death. The appearance of the book is very timely, since the final portion of the Positio for his canonization process is due to be turned in this October.Thanks again for that neato blurb. Have you ever appeared on a book cover with a Cardinal before? It’s a first for me.Happy to do it. Nope. Never shared blurb turf with a Cardinal before! Weird feeling!May you sell a million copies!Check thou it out, Gentle Readers!