7 Reasons Why I Love Gaudete Sunday


The third Sunday of Advent is known as Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete Sunday takes its name from the first word of the Entrance Antiphon at Mass which proclaims:  “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice!” which reads in Latin as “Gaudete in Domino semper: iterum dico, gaudete.” (Sounds so cool in Latin doesn’t it?)Here are 7 reasons why I love Gaudete Sunday:1. It’s our family’s personal feast day. Our last name is Gaudino – which derives from the Latin word gaudium which means joy, and so we feel a personal connection to Gaudete Sunday and the spirit of joy and rejoicing in the Lord which it exudes! 2. Everyone wears pink. Ok, alright, don’t get huffy on me now – I know the technical, liturgical name for the color of the vestments the priest wears is rose, but pink by any other name is still pink! 3. It’s a break from the penances of Advent. (Can anyone say unlimited dessert?). Advent is a penitential season, similar to that of Lent – a season of prayer, repentance, fasting and preparation. Like its counterpart Laudare Sunday in Lent, Gaudete Sunday offers us a respite from the rigors of the penitential season – a time to rejoice and celebrate!4. It reminds us that joy can co-exist with struggle and suffering. Situated in the midst of a penitential season, Gaudete Sunday is a reminder that joy can be found even in the midst of struggle and pain. The Nativity of the Lord is a perfect example of this reality. To say that Jesus was born in less than desirable circumstances is an understatement. His was not the birth experience most of us Moms dream of. Yet, despite the dire surroundings, joy filled that manager in Bethlehem in a way that we can scarcely imagine. This Gaudete Sunday, ask the Lord for the grace


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