Posts Tagged ‘Speaker Series’
Pat Flynn Coming to Tulsa
Pat Flynn comes to Tulsa for the Alcuin Institute and St. Michael Catholic Radio Speaker Series Event sponsored by The Alcuin Institute for Catholic Culture and St. Michael Catholic Radio Pat Flynn, the author of How to Be Better at (Almost) Everything and host of the podcast Philosophy for the People, will be coming to…
St. Michael Catholic Radio Speaker Series presents Dave VanVickle
Modern Culture’s obsession with all things paranormal provides the Catholic Church with a unique evangelistic opportunity. The Catholic Church is the only true authority on this subject, and it is time to share the power and glory of the Church’s victory over the gates of hell. Dave will give a well-balanced, highly evangelistic, and engaging…
Patrick Coffin is coming to Tulsa, OK
St. Michael Catholic Radio presents – Patrick Coffin from The Patrick Coffin Show When: Friday April 26th, 2019 Where: Holy Family Cathedral Info: FREE EVENT. Sign up so we know how much food to make: On April 26th, 2019, St. Michael Catholic Radio will be hosting Patrick Coffin from The Patrick Coffin Show for a…