Before we make arguments refuting Sola Scriptura, it would be best to define it as many people have defined it in different ways. We are going to use the definition given by Wikipedia Sola Scriptura (Latin ablative, “by Scripture alone”) is the Protestant Christian doctrine that the Bible is the supreme authority in all matters…
St. Michael Catholic Radio would like to send you an invitation! St. Michael Catholic Radio will be participating in the Tulsa March for Life on January 22nd, the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. We will have a big banner and would like to have supporters of St. Michael Catholic Radio walk with us and hold…
Imagine Adam and Eve, in perfect joy walking in the Garden of Eden; the very Paradise created especially for their enjoyment. Everything they needed was there; everything, including freedom. The freedom to choose right or wrong; the freedom to disobey their Father. Any parent understands this bittersweet gift. Along slithers the slimy serpent, who takes…
The Church has very few official teachings on angels (CCC 328-336, 391-395). However, theologians have come to a consensus on certain topics relating to the angels. Most of these teachings come from St. Thomas Aquinas, as well as St. Bonaventure, and Dionysius. Below are some of the most mind-blowing things we know about angels. 1. They Exist…
Ken Coughlin, Teacher of Theology at Bishop Kelley and writer for the Eastern Oklahoma Catholic Magazine, will present “Issues under Consideration at the Church’s Synod on the Family.” We will also have a wine presentation and discussion on pairings. Mingling at 6:45 p.m. Program starts at 7:00 p.m. sharp Beckerle Hall Ages 21 and over…
Tuesday January 13 7 PM – 9 PM Brookside By Day 3313 S Peoria Ave Social hour 7-8 Speaker 8-9 Father Tim was ordained a priest on May 31,1985. This coming May will be 30 years. He started out at St. Pius X as associate, then was made Chaplain at Bishop Kelley and Associate Pastor at Christ…
If there’s a modern renaissance man, it’s Dr. Taylor Marshall. He’s the founder of the wildly successful New Saint Thomas Institute, the founder of the Catholic scouting organization the Troops of St. George, a professor, a best-selling author, a popular blogger, an in-demand speaker, a gentleman extraordinaire, and a P.h. D in Philosophy, among other things. Oh yeah,…
Luke 2:30; (Simeon) “For my eyes have seen Your salvation, Which You have prepared in the presence of all peoples, A Light of revelation to the Gentiles, And the glory of Your people Israel.” And His father and mother were amazed at the things which were being said about Him. In the Arms of Joseph.…
CALLING ALL MEN: Going along with our theme of fasting (read our blog on fasting here), St. Michael Catholic radio wanted to give men (and women) a structured way to fast. Have you heard of e5men? e5 men stands for Ephesians Chapter 5. Sign up with us! The e5 Man fasts for his bride as…