Thank you for joining us today, Tuesday February 24th, the 6th day of Lent. Also the feast day of St. Matthias the Apostle! TODAY’S BIBLE VERSE: HOSEA 6:3: LET US KNOW; LET US PRESS ON TO KNOW THE LORD; HIS GOING OUT IS SURE AS THE DAWN; HE WILL COME TO US AS THE SHOWERS,…
RCIA: The Rites of Sending/Election/Continuing Conversion This week was focused around the rites to be celebrated by those in the program. Those who are unbaptized celebrated the rites of Sending and of Election. Those who are baptized celebrated the rites of Sending and of Continuing Conversion. Having already been baptized in a prior christian faith…
Before I was Catholic, there were three significant days in my week: Monday was the much dreaded day school or work began; Wednesday was the hopeful hump day when most of the week was over; and Friday was the glorious final day of the week that ushered us into the weekend. Since becoming, Catholic, however,…
We are excited to announce the first edition of “Stump the Seminarian” with Joe Heschmeyer. Joe runs a website called Shameless Popery. There’s a LOT of really good stuff on this site so please check it out! We are thankful Joe was willing to team up with St. Michael Radio to help answer questions about the…
Thank you for joining us today for St. Michael Radio’s daily lenten reflection. Today’s Bible verse comes from the Gospel you heard yesterday. MARK 1: 13 And he was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to him. Temptation. How many times have…
Head on over to Catholic Lane to check out my latest post in their weekly “Front Row With Francis” series. This past Wednesday the Holy Father continued his catechesis on the family, reflecting on the gift of siblings.In my own life I am immensely grateful to the Lord for the blessing of my own siblings…
This Monday (February 23rd, 2015), on Outside the Walls, we will be talking with a young Catholic who experiences same-sex attractions. He’ll talk about how he has reconciled his attractions and his chosen identity with his Catholic faith. If you’ve ever been curious about the Catholic Church’s official belief and practice concerning homosexuality and homosexuals, this…
We are now on the 4th day of Lent. TODAY’S BIBLE VERSE – COLOSSIANS 3:2 THINK OF WHAT IS ABOVE, NOT OF WHAT IS ON EARTH. This verse reminds me of something I hear Patrick Coffin, the Catholic Answers Live Host and great Catholic apologist, say to some callers during his show, “When you are…
Want to drop a V6 engine into your Volkswagen Bug prayer life? Would you like to battle sin and Satan and sabotage like the mighty saints of yore? Then gird your loins, get on your knees, and prepare yourself for Marian Consecration. Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary… Today, Friday, February 20th, is not only…
If you are just joining us – welcome! We are glad you here and hope this is helpful during your Lenten season. If you miss the first 2 reflections, you can find them at the bottom of this page. TODAY’S BIBLE VERSE: MATTHEW 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “For human beings this is…