Satan – The Ancient Enemy Satan, the Evil One, and his demons, are fallen angels who freely chose to rebel against God’s reign (CCC 391-395). When Adam failed in his vocation to protect Eve and the Garden, Satan (Hebrew: adversary, one who plots against) treacherously enticed Eve to rebel against God (Gen 3:1-24; CCC 1707).…
Featuring: Readings for Saturday, May 23, 2015 Nazareth as a Model – Bl. Pope Paul VI Kristin Putnam, my Beloved Bride of nine years. Creating a Catholic Identity The Importance of Consistency The connection between kids and dinosaurs Our favorite parenting story Giveaway – Rosary and Book by St. Louis De Montfort courtesy of…
WHY SHOULD I PRAY THE ROSARY? First, what is the rosary? The word rosary comes from the Latin word rosarium meaning “crown of roses”. The Rosary is made up of two things: mental prayer and vocal prayer. In the Holy Rosary mental prayer is the meditation of the mysteries of the life, death and glory of Jesus Christ…
Head on over to Catholic Lane to read my latest post in their weekly Front Row With Francis Series, which comments on the Holy Father’s Wednesday audiences. Last week, during his audience, Pope Francis spoke about the importance of “Family Education” and the myriad of ways that education “experts” have influenced parents to abdicate their God-given…
The world has gone mad. Unchecked by the free world, ISIS is spreading rapidly throughout the Middle East, and they have already made their presence known in Europe and here in the U.S. They have their sights set on the Vatican and the destruction of what remains of Christendom. Meanwhile, Ireland, one of the most traditionally…
Why do Catholics honor the saints? Because God is an artist, and the Church is his masterpiece. Catholics do not honor the saints because they forget to worship God. They honor the saints because these are the saints in whom God has brought glory to himself. If you want to make much of an artist,…
Professional driver. Do not attempt. Guys hate asking for directions. You know the stereotype: The family is on vacation, and they are hopelessly lost in an unfamiliar place. Dad is behind the wheel and he’s convinced he can find his way. The wife helpfully suggest stopping to ask a local for directions, but the husband…
Recently, St. Michael Catholic Radio was able to have Bishop Edward Slattery participate in KWHB- TV47’s National Day of Prayer Month campaign. Here is the video that will continue to be played on KWHB Ch. 47. We thank Bishop Slattery for participating and setting a prayerful example for us all to follow. The Tulsa Diocese…
Featuring: Readings for Saturday, May 16, 2015 Paragraph 48, Gaudium et Spes Kristin Putnam, my Beloved Bride of nearly nine years. “I want to know what love is, I want you to show me.” Original Poem — “I Thought of You Today.” The instability of an emotional dependent love. Giveaway – Rosary and Book by…
St. Therese writes in her autobiography, “The Story of a Soul” on page 163: With me prayer is an uplifting of the heart; a glance towards heaven; a cry of gratitude and love, uttered equally in sorrow and in joy. In a word, it is something noble, supernatural, which expands my soul and unites it…