
Oklahoma Men’s Conference

By Adam Minihan | January 5, 2016

This message is from Ray Haefele of Oklahoma Fellowship of Catholic Men. Happy New Year to our In the Father’s Footsteps friends! We pray you are enjoying a wonderful start to 2016 and that like the wise men, you have experienced the joy of being a witness to the wonder of Christ’s birth.   Each…

10 Ways to Win the Battle for Purity

By Adam Minihan | January 4, 2016

Flashy billboards, provocative dress and apparel, Hollywood fashions spread far and wide, suggestive innuendos, off-colored jokes, indecent movies, and the ever-present danger of the Internet to visit the numerous and poisonous websites—all of these and a plethora of other alluring and seductive temptations can trap even the best of us into falling into the sin…

Family Resources Book Giveaway

By Adam Minihan | January 1, 2016

Let’s face it – family life is tough. Most days in my house are a far cry from the perfection of the Holy Family and resemble an episode of “Leave it to Beaver” gone south.  Parenting is hard work and having resources that can help parents through the challenging times is a great asset. I’m…

#FultonFridays: A New Year

By Adam Minihan | January 1, 2016

On Fridays, I post excerpts from the writings of the great American bishop and media evangelist, Ven. Fulton J. Sheen. I call them #FultonFridays. A world of difference exists between the old and the young in their attitude toward time. As St. Peter said in one of his first Pentecostal sermons, “The young men see visions;…

Merry Christmas From Saints 365

By Adam Minihan | December 24, 2015

I have always had a love/hate relationship with Christmas.  All the anticipation and preparation seems to be unwrapped, eaten and over in a flash and all that is left the day after Christmas is a mess of strewn gifts, bits of wrapping paper and indigestion. What should just be the beginning of the season of Christmas…

When God Became Small: A Christmas Meditation

By Adam Minihan | December 24, 2015

The advent of Christmas is one of the busiest and noisiest times of year—a season of getting and spending in which we lay waste our credit cards. It should be a holy time, but it has become an orgy of consumerism in the temples of commerce. It is not peaceful, and it is certainly not…

St. Michael Radio Flash Drives!

By Adam Minihan | December 24, 2015

St. Michael Catholic Radio Introduces updatable flash drives! Did you miss a Theology on Tap? Or maybe a parish mission? Did you miss our 1st annual Theology at the Tower event and wish you had the audio to replay on your phone, computer, or TV?   Well now you can have all that content and…

Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence

By Adam Minihan | December 23, 2015

The headlines on the news scream disaster, struggle, violence, and hatred.  The world stage is filled with uncertainty and anxiety about the future. Innocent people are slaughtered mercilessly; politicians rage at each other, and even the church seems filled with discord and division. Temptations to fear and despair close in from every side. I worry about…

Who recognized him, and who failed to recognize him?

By Adam Minihan | December 22, 2015

This great reflection comes from the book, The Blessing of Christmas by Pope Benedict XVI. Who recognized him, and who failed to recognize him? But do we really recognize him? When we place the ox and ass beside the crib, we must remember the whole passage in Isaiah, which is not only good news—in the sense…

KPIM: Call Jesus through Mary

By Adam Minihan | December 21, 2015

 2016 New Year Resolution: Find out the Quickest, Surest, Easiest Way to become a saint True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin is one of the greatest and most celebrated books ever written about Our Lady. Praised by popes, mystics and theologians, this profound and powerful book presents Mary as the essential and infallible key to the heart of…