The Top 50 Most Expensive Whiskies – Scotch dominates the list

I WILL HAVE A SCOTCH, PLEASE THE CATHOLIC MAN SHOW Every week Adam and David do 3 things on The Catholic Man Show. 1.) Open, review, and enjoy a man beverage. Why? In a society that screams excess and indulging, we need to remember the virtue of moderation.  It is great to enjoy the finer…

The Catholic Man Show – Episode 3: The Roles of Fatherhood

“ROLES OF A FATHERHOOD” OUR THIRD EPISODE OF THE CATHOLIC MAN SHOW IS IN THE BOOKS! OUR THIRD EPISODE IS CALLED “ROLES OF FATHERHOOD”. 1. Our vocation is to get our families to heaven. 2. Our children are always watching us. They will likely model later in life what they learn at home. 3. We are made…