OBAMA SAVED A RAT? VIDEO: Bergdahl’s release… Qatar allowing released Taliban men to move freely in country… Reintegration: Military hides Bergdahl from public view… FLASHBACK: ‘Converted to Islam And Taught Captors Bomb Making Skills’… NYT: Left note explaining desertion before going AWOL… REPORT: Wanted to Renounce Citizenship… Team Leader: ‘A lot more to story than…
Read MoreHe writes: It’s called Ablaze: Setting Hearts on Fire for Christ and it is focused on expanding the conversation in the Church around discipleship and evangelization, and also sharing practical ideas for evangelization–especially at the parish and family level. Here are two examples of what the blog is about: Boom Goes the Dunamis: A reflection…
Read Morehere he is, Searching for the Secret of Life and Death.W It was my great honor to spend a weekend with him and Dale Ahlquist a few years back at one of the Chesterton Conferences out in Minneapolis. It fell to Strat, Dale, and me to give the toasts at the Chesterton Banquet on Saturday…
Read MoreHere he is, at the Catholic Gentleman, writing about his “Black Dog Days” and things he’s found helpful in dealing with depression. As somebody who has struggled with depression myself, and who is related to people who struggle with it, I appreciate his humane take. Also, he writes about the great Stratford Caldecott and comic…
Read More…are protecting the living daylights out of the Church in China, just as they protected the hell out of Tiananmen Square protesters on this day in 1989.
Read MoreIt’s a idea with a lot of merit, but I think we have to stipulate that the POWs be given their seats in Congress. Otherwise our Congresscritters might return to continue making war on us.
Read MoreSo this past weekend, I put up a little silly game about taking a single letter from a book, TV show or film title and seeing what you wind up with (“Lord of the Rigs: Lure fishing in Middle Earth”). Lots of people responded with some very funny stuff. But one reader, JJG, has gone…
Read MoreMouthbreathing Machiavellis Dream Of A Silicon Reich …and a little follow up by the same guy: Give Dictatorship A Chance? She writes: I think your past concerned postings about this lunatic group are vindicated even though most readers (myself included) dismiss them as educated lunatics. However, they do seem to have some influence on billionaires…
Read More‘Men do not differ much about what things they will call evils; they differ enormously about what evils they will call excusable.’ – G.K. Chesterton It is astonishing enough to me that a non-Christian like Steinem can be so stone blind to the obvious connection between violence against the unborn and violence against the rest of…
Read MoreWord on Fire just announced Fr. Robert Barron’s next epic film series, CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players. Learn more at PivotalPlayers.com.
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