A reader writes: I read your blog from time to time and am generally inclined to your view that Medjugorje is not authentic and of course support the finding of the local bishop that he could not determine that anything supernatural was happening. Some commentators have even suggested there is a demonic element to it.…
Read MoreYr Obdt. Svt. on Sacred Tradition and the unreality of Bible Only revelation. This is in English, but I’m gratified to hear that CERC will be translating some of my stuff into Spanish. I’d really love to start geting my stuff translated in Chinese. One of these days….
Read MoreEvidently, “Peter” means “Rock” and not “Stoner”. Ah me! I slay me. Actually, we discover that he really didn’t say anything about legalizing pot, but a) all politics is local so the article assumes he must really be talking about American Baby Boomers because what else matters? and b) I can’t resist a bad joke.
Read MoreWilliam Shakespeare’s Star Wars William Shakespeare’s The Empire Striketh Back (William Shakespeare’s Star Wars Trilogy) William Shakespeare’s The Jedi Doth Return
Read MoreCould you guys please pray for a friend of mine who has been battling cancer and will be going in for brain surgery soon? Her name is Kim. Thanks! Father, hear our prayer for Kim’s complete healing in body, soul, and spirit. Give her caregivers grace, compassion, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, counsel, skill, and and the…
Read Moreyou need to see this summer.
Read MoreVancouver school board introduces gender-neutral pronouns for the exquisitely PC Student No. Really. Students and teachers in Vancouver, British Columbia, can now use the gender-neutral pronouns “xe,” “xem,” and “xyr.” The move is designed to accommodate students for whom “he” and “she” does not fit or is deemed inappropriate. It was for such an hour…
Read MoreI read the “chance to do a work of mercy” from yesterday about the family that is now destitute due to the loss of a loved one and his income and I thought that I could probably help prevent that tragedy again. I think I’ve told you before that I am in the life insurance/financial…
Read MoreReader Ancilla Domini writes: I hope this note finds you well & happy. I wanted to share the following with you. Fr. McGoldrick is a friend and seminary classmate of my dear Fr. Zelonis. I’m sending it along hoping to garner him some traffic and some support for his project. Visit if you like! Check…
Read MoreChesterton famously observes that when you get rid of the Big Laws (against, for instance, sexual purity and honoring one another with our bodies) you don’t get freedom and you don’t even get anarchy. You get the small laws. And so the Sexual Revolution produces, not liberation, but strangling micromanaging attempts to cope with rampant…
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