He writes: I’ve read two of your books (By What Authority? and Making Senses out of Scripture). I’m also a regular reader of your blog. I know that one of the common themes in your blog is the way it’s not about the “Right vs. Left” but the “Ruling Class vs. Rest of Us”. I’d…
Read MoreHas a blog, titled “Peace, Joy, Pancakes“. Here’s a little taste: “Catholic By Choice” “The Carmelites and Their Scapular” “How to Answer Stupid Questions” Always good to have more sensible Catholic voices out there working in the Vineyard! Live long and prosper, Michelle!
Read MoreThis seems like a worthy cause to me: I hope this message finds you well! My name is Ramon (Ray) Morris and I am reaching out to you because of Brandon Vogt’s recommendation. Him and I are both good friends with Br. Jason Zink, a Brother in the Brotherhood of Hope. In late July, I…
Read Morewhat it is and isn’t, is being discussed over at the Register.
Read MoreAs most of you know, I now work for the Archdiocese of Denver as the Director of the Office of Evangelization and Family Life Ministries. Recently, Archbishop Aquila released a pastoral letter called “Family: Become What You Are.” In addition to this letter, my office was challenged with coming up with several new resources to…
Read More…on living in the Church vs. living in a cult. Don’t imagine for one moment that being a Catholic immunizes us from being cultists–or from trying to shrink the Church down from being the Church to being a cult centered around some idol of our own making.
Read More…on the even more shameless Louisiana court trying to force a priest to violate the seal of the confessional: Dear Lousiana: Permit to quote Marcel Marceau:
Read MoreOur culture is one that deeply believes that when a High Priest called a “scientist” dons his liturgical vestment of a lab coat and mediates reality to laypeople by declaring “We believe photons and electrons behave like particles and waves and that is a mystery”, he is just stating Hard Fact that only a fool…
Read MoreHe writes: I must admit that I’m struggling with reconciling some things I’m reading about sin and purgatory. I can see the need for a time between death and heaven in terms of finishing the work that Christ has begun before we are fit for heaven. I can embrace the idea of a place were…
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