A reader writes:We are looking to bring awareness to the persecution of Christians in the Middle East. One way we can do this is to be a visible witness right here in our own communities. We have designed a t-shirt campaign to help us do this. Here is the link that I am asking you…
Read MoreMy fellow Patheosi Frank Weathers notes that the Administration’s passivity while the refugees of Iraq are slaughtered can be summarized as ” “Wrong kind of Christians, in the wrong places, being killed.” (though, to be fair, non-Christians are getting slaughtered too). He calls it the Coulter Copout.He’s got a point. Coulter’s thinly veiled appeal to mouth-breathing racists…
Read More(No. I’m not linking to the latest vile thing she’s said. If you have a burning need to know, you can find it easily enough). It’s that, unlike other people who make a living being vile, such as Jerry Springer or Opie and Anthony, she is still, at this hour, feted as a “thinker” by Fox, Talk…
Read More…to organize an evacuation and give them asylum.
Read MoreA reader writes:My sister has just given birth to a very healthy boy, so prayers for her and child would be appreciated, as well as praise to God for no complications in the delivery.Thanks be to God our Father through our Lord Jesus Christ!
Read MoreThe Church and the Stage is the first in a little series by Yr Obdt Svt over at Catholic World Report exploring the relationship between drama and the Catholic Tradition.
Read MoreJulian Bond sez right to abortion same as right to eat at lunch counter.I’m thinking Alveda King doesn’t buy that bushwah.
Read MoreSo I’m fond of impressionists, and particularly fond of Jim Meskimen, who you may remember from thisAnyway, some time back I wrote him about something or other and wound up on him mailing list, which is fun because I get things like this from him:You may have seen the video that went viral last week…
Read MoreI had never noticed this particular contradiction in the atheist arsenal of argument-padding in the struggle against You Know Who. But now that he names it, I find myself going, “Oh yeah! They do do that a lot, don’t they?”:The usual suspects are at work where the Statistician to the Stars is manfully working his…
Read MoreWhaddaya know. Turns out it’s still a sin. That’s more Traditional than most of us bargain for. I love this guy so much!For a related perspective from Distributists…
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