If our Founding Fathers didn’t fight for the right to wave guns at terrified children, have hysterics about them being disease-bearing terrorists, and scream for them to be remanded to rape, sex slavery and death how can we even call ourselves a free people anymore?
Read MoreIt does not discriminate.My own experience of depression is that it is a kind of frozen anger, turned inward at myself. Anger (the emotion, not the vice) is, like all feelings, morally neutral in itself. It’s like weather, except with chemicals instead of air. Feelings do what they do and the emotion of anger is…
Read MoreAnybody know any freeware for that? Something that will make my music (recorded on Windows Media Player) visible to the music software in Windows 8? And without a lot of crappy malware and other programs attached?Please let me know in the combox. Thanks!
Read MoreThe Spirit-led believer with the Precious Revelation of the Divinely inspired Word of the Anti-Vax website is sufficient unto himself to Know the Truth, and the Truth Shall Make Him Free. The human wisdom of people who have studied man-made “sciences” like “epidemiology”, “pediatrics” and “obstetrics” and “medicine” is the dry and lifeless wisdom of…
Read MoreFind out from Yr. Obdt. Svt. over at the Register.
Read MoreI will be speaking tomorrow (9/23) at Visitation Parish – 3314 South 58th St., Tacoma, Washington at 7:00 PM.Tomorrow night I’ll be talking about the Real Presence in the Eucharist. Don’t miss it if you can!I hope to see you there!
Read MoreWow. WHEN YOU “FIT THE DESCRIPTION”!It’s one of those things that you hear about, but never think it would happen to you.On Friday afternoon, August 22nd around 5:20pm, while innocently walking by myself from a restaurant on Wilshire Blvd, to my car up LaCienega Blvd my freedom was taken from me by the Beverly Hills…
Read MorePope St. Gregory VII thanks the emir an-Nasir for his good will towards his Christian subjects and commends to him the messengers of Alberic and Cencius, associates of the papal household (Rome: 1076) Gregory, bishop, servant of the servants of God, to an-Nasir, king of the province of Mauretania Sitifensis in Africa. ,Your highness has this year sent…
Read MoreThen:“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists,…
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