“What was once a request to live and let live has now become a demand for approval. The ‘ruling class,’ those who shape public opinion in politics, in education, in communications, in entertainment, is using the civil law to impose its own form of morality on everyone. We are told that, even in marriage itself,…
Read MoreFor months, I’ve been seeing bed-wetting panic from the Greatest Catholics of All Time about the Synod on the Family, and the horrible, terrible, no good, very bad “liberal agenda” Francis is allegedly about to impose on the Church. The usual screamers in the Reactionary camp have been warning of the apocalypse to come from…
Read MoreAs the Thing That Used to Be Conservatism becomes more post-Christian, expect this kind of naked eugenicist filth to float up from the id with increased bravado (hear this editorial read in that tone of voice Limbaugh uses whenever he sneers out the words “compassion” or “poor” or, as he puts it “poo-er”).You have a…
Read MoreInteresting insight from the sciences on how long-married couples supplement and augment each other’s memories, so that they “remember together”. It certainly does reflect my experience.
Read MoreI will never have to endure a massively tasteless homily about the power and glory of flying, all-intrusive murderbots as a metaphor for God.I remember 9/10/01, when I lived in a different country.
Read MoreHad muffins for dinner the other night. Somebody asked what kind they were. Jan replied, “Banana nut” and I was irresistibly compelled to add, “DOO DOO DIH DO DO!”Peter then said, “Banana nut?”And I replied “DOO DOO DIH DO!”Luke answered, “Banana nut.”And I erupted with: “DOO DOO DIH DO DO, DIH DO DO, DIH DO…
Read MoreLatest headline for the news aggregator for Taliban Catholics:“Sainthood cause of ‘martyred’ Oscar Romero technically reached the final stage”Yeah, he wasn’t *really* martyred. Cuz he was in a Central American country defending the poor from a regime in bed with Murka, so that makes him a damn librul (as members of Opus Dei so typically are,…
Read MoreA reader writes:Can you please ask your readers to pray for a friend’s mother who is going in for surgery this morning (she may even be in as I write this) in an attempt to remove cancer from her lungs. They are all faithful, so far as I know. This is her third bout with…
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