Hey! Waitaminnit! That’s me!Reader Joe Wagner writes:I stumbled across an old post of yours where someone was defending Cliven Bundy by saying “first they came for the rancher and I said nothing.” We all know the quote that comes from. Is it just me or does it sound morally relativistic? Like we should evaluate things…
Read MoreThe Faith tells us every child is a gift and we can find a way to make room for them at the table of life, if we are willing. No qualifications on that whatsoever.The Thing that Used to be Liberalism says every *wanted* child is a gift and every unwanted child is a burden that…
Read MoreJesus Christ said“Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” (Lk 6:20–21).Propaganda says: Or the second group worked hard and were downsized before they could retire. Or their husband left them with four kids. Or they were widowed and could not function due to depression and grief. Or…..The unbelievably arrogant assumption that anybody…
Read MoreYou can read it here.It will be refreshing for a change to be read by an audience that will likely regard me as a savage neanderthal instead of a damn librul.
Read MoreReza Aslan (whom the HuffPo regards a “religious scholar”): Jesus was a Marxist.Old news, of course. Of the manufacture of Latest Real Jesuses there is no end. As Anthony Sacramone has pointed out:• Jesus was a woman .• Jesus was a space alien and is buried in Japan .• Jesus survived the crucifixion and is buried in Kashmir .• Jesus was a…
Read MorePrincesses, every single one of them. And each of them worth a thousand Richard Dawkinses.“Spirit,” said Scrooge, with an interest he had never felt before, “tell me if Tiny Tim will live.”“I see a vacant seat,” replied the Ghost, “in the poor chimney-corner, and a crutch without an owner, carefully preserved. If these shadows remain…
Read MoreThanks (I think) to Steven Greydanus for pointing me to this amazing… thing.
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