Instead of withdrawal from the world, how about sharing the fruits of prayer and contemplation with the world? God did not so love the world that he hunkered down in Fortress Katolicus seeking the perfect liturgy, scrutinizing people for heresy, and repelling everybody who sought him as an invader.The world is to be loved, not…
Read MorePope John Paul II …Today, more than a half-century after the appearance of that encyclical, some new findings lead us toward the recognition of evolution as more than an hypothesis.* In fact it is remarkable that this theory has had progressively greater influence on the spirit of researchers, following a series of discoveries in different…
Read MoreOne of the overlooked aspects of the death penalty is what it does to those who inflict it. Combox executioners, who so easily thirst for the blood of others and whose overriding question is “When do we *get* to kill?” are, like warmongering chickenhawks and torture defenders, never the people who have to do the…
Read More…accidentally graduates entire class of 21 students Magna cum Laude.
Read MoreSince we only scratched the surface of her fascinating work (an interview you can listen to here), I’ll be interviewing Sherry Weddell again about Forming Intentional Disciples.You can listen here.Next week I’ll be talking with Brandon Vogt.It’s a live show, so you can call in and join the conversation at 1–866–333–6279.
Read MoreOver the next four Thursdays, I will be speaking at St. Mark’s parish in Shoreline at 7 PM. Here’s the itinerary:Thursday evenings 7-8pm Sullivan HallOct 30 – Incarnational Evangelism Nov 6 – This is My Body: An Evangelical Discovers the Real Presence Nov 13 – Exploring the Our Father Nov 20 – The Biblical Roots…
Read Moreas Time Lord contracts Ebola:
Read MoreA reader writes:I’m writing from the University of Notre Dame with what I believe to be welcome news in the current confusion surrounding the Church and homosexuals. Our Institute for Church Life will be hosting a conference “to explore appropriate pastoral strategies for Catholic parishioners who regard themselves as non-heterosexual, but who accept Catholic Church…
Read More…for you to play around with.I believe mathematics to be a form of witchcraft or magic of some kind. I do not understand it. Therefore I fear it and wish to lash out blindly and destroy it.All English majors are like this.
Read MoreI have something I want to run past you if you don’t mind. If you don’t have time for this just hit the old delete button, I won’t mind. Since the 2012 elections I have felt like a man without a country and very disappointed, disappointed at my fellow countrymen for pretty much telling me,…
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