
American Police State Fleecing Tourists

By Adam Minihan | September 24, 2014

American shakedown: Police won’t charge you, but they’ll grab your moneyU.S. police are operating a co-ordinated scheme to seize as much of the public’s cash as they can

A bit early for Christmas, but beautiful

By Adam Minihan | September 24, 2014

Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s Miraculous Multiplication of Fake Quotes

By Adam Minihan | September 24, 2014

…and his miraculous conversion of hard-bitten skeptics into mouth-breathing True Believers will be used as evidence in his canonization.

Get your family vaccinated

By Adam Minihan | September 24, 2014

Dear Parents: You are being lied to.

FOX: Raising cynical nihilistic nonsense to an art form

By Adam Minihan | September 23, 2014

A reader nicely sums up the latest nonsense from the FOX Ministry of Truth:Obama has too much power, is breaking the constitution, and is waging a war on Christians.We should give him the power to put enemies of the state in concentration camps based solely on their religion.Also, don’t forget that we all need to…

Help Save a Man from Crippling Pain

By Adam Minihan | September 23, 2014

Your chance to do a work of mercy:You’ve helped me spread the word before about a work of mercy and I’m hoping you can help again. Here’s the info for a young man who is suffering, needs surgery, but the insurance won’t pay for it.This is from his gofundme site:“My name is Nathan and I’m…

FOX Panelist argues Japanese Internment Camps Were Justified

By Adam Minihan | September 23, 2014

The infallible charism of Wrongness again asserts itself, this time in favor of, y’know, suggesting a course of action for Muslims on our shores.  It is, notably, the same network that for years hosted the paranoid rantings of Glenn Beck and rumors about FEMA concentration camps, as well as Sean Hannity’s games of footsie with…

John Medaille is interviewed…

By Adam Minihan | September 23, 2014

…over at Solidarity Hall.Daniel Schwindt and Elias Crim are attempting something very interesting with Solidarity Hall. Check it out!Daniel will also be posting an interview with Yr. Obdt. Svt. there in a few days.

More on evangelization

By Adam Minihan | September 23, 2014

So the other day I made a wisecrack about Catholic evangelization.A reader who is a better man than I am took it as a bit of challenge to find out actual information about Catholic evangelization efforts. He writes:I was glad to see Fr. Joe’s column addressing the question, “How do I evangelize?” There are other…

Hey Western Washington!

By Adam Minihan | September 23, 2014

“Healing the Culture” writes:Healing the Culture just received a donation from a benefactor allowing us to give away 20 tickets to our Gala at HALF PRICE! This means that you can enjoy a full evening of lively music, rousing entertainment, an elegant dinner, free drinks, inspirational talks by Fr. Robert Spitzer and Camille Pauley, and camaraderie with…