

By Adam Minihan | September 26, 2014

Francis tightens the screws on abusers and the bishops who assist them.

Ted Cruz: There really is no bottom…

By Adam Minihan | September 26, 2014

…to the despicable cynicism of this despicable man. First, he betrays Middle Eastern Christians for the sake of a fund-raising ploy. Now he declares that his critics don’t care about Christians.If the Thing that Used to be Conservatism supports this creep for President they will lose, lose bad, and deserve the beating they get.Update: Cruz…

Dialogue with Demas

By Adam Minihan | September 26, 2014

In which we meet a confused Catholic and try to reduce the confusion.

FOX is, like, super-serious and stuff about supporting the troops

By Adam Minihan | September 26, 2014

The only boobs on the ground were in that studio.Meanwhile, our Ruling Class continues to benefit from a feckless, trivia-suckled media who wouldn’t know accountability if it bit them on the nose.And the net result, as ever, is that the troops who will do the heavy lifting mandated by these chuckleheads get shoveled around, sent…

Conspiracy Theory

By Adam Minihan | September 26, 2014

Has anyone considered the possibility that the election of Francis is all part of a massive Jesuit plot to gain control of the Jesuits?

Prayer Requests and Works of Mercy

By Adam Minihan | September 26, 2014

A reader writes:Please ask all the prayer warriors you know to pray for our daughter Theresa. She’s 9 and newly diagnosed with osteosarcoma., hear our prayer for Theresa’s complete healing in body, soul, and spirit.  Give her caregivers grace, wisdom, counsel, knowledge, understanding, compassion, creativity, insight, skill and the proper technology to assist in…

The Thrill of the Chase: Prayers and a Patron for a Virtuous Hunt

By Adam Minihan | September 26, 2014

Hunting is unquestionably a manly sport. Here in the U.S., deer season is in full swing, and over the next few months, thousands of heavily camouflaged hunters will take to the woods with rifles and bows in pursuit of a trophy buck. But what many Catholic hunters don’t realize is that there is an ancient…

I love Fr. Barron’s takes on pop culture

By Adam Minihan | September 26, 2014

Who but he could relate World War Z to the Church’s teaching on original sin and redemption?

Another question about the deuterocanon

By Adam Minihan | September 26, 2014

A reader writes:I have read your article on deuterocanonical books, your reasons on why they should be included in the bible. Can you provide a simplified version of that writing?Sure. Because the Church in union with Peter, the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15) granted authority by Christ to loose and bind…

Question about Mysterious Pain

By Adam Minihan | September 26, 2014

A reader writes:Here’s a theological question if you need blog material.  I have had a pinched nerve in my hip for 5 years.  Recently it just stopped hurting.  Did the Lord bless me with this, and, if so, why, since I am not at all a good Christian and there are good Christians out there…