A reader writes:Here in our small southern town, it is difficult for me to give my kids a strong sense of Catholic identity. I do what I can at home, but the vast majority of their friends are Protestant – many anti-Catholic. My children are firmly Catholic, but they have no concept of what it…
“Ink is like pencil poop.”
…except for one thing: they aren’t as happy as people with kids. File under “the last shall be first” and other gospel paradoxes.
A favorite poem about a favorite saint on his feast day:The Thunderer by Phyllis McGinleyGod’s angry man, His crotchety scholar, Was Saint Jerome, The great name-caller, Who cared not a dime For the laws of libel And in his spare time Translated the Bible.Quick to disparage All joys but learning, Jerome thought marriage Better than…
A reader writes:PRAYER REQUEST FOR SERVICE DOG FOR DISABLED, POOR LADY:I have severe PTSD and my doctor wants me to have a service dog. Although there are several agencies that give trained service dogs to military veterans, there is nothing for other people who have seen a different kind of life-threatening battle, torture, brutality and…
It’s a start.Meanwhile, one of the side benefits of the Age of Francis is that hysterics among the Greatest Catholics of All Time are making it undeniably clear that Catholics do not worship the Pope.
A reader writes:Could you ask your readers to consider helping this family, I only know them through her blog via, but I’ve followed her story for years and it is nearing the sorrowful, glorious, joyful luminous end for their daughter, and any comfort we could bring via prayers and material sacrifice, would be an…
This is why people hate you: Woman gives birth to a baby who only survives 10 hours. Abortion activists call her “selfish”. Vile.
Daniel Schwindt of Solidarity Hall and I had a good chat last week. Part 1 is here:Part 2 will be up next Monday.Gotta love that freeze frame that Youtube captured!
Neither did I.