
Mushtaq Gill seems to be doing the work of the angels

By Adam Minihan | October 6, 2014

…defending victims of Islamic oppression. God bless him.

TolkienCatholic is On the Air!

By Adam Minihan | October 6, 2014

He writes:Long time reader of your blog here. I recently launched a new site/blog/”imperial headquarters of universal domination” called Tolkien Catholic. As you might surmise, it is dedicated to exploring and expounding the richness of Tolkien’s creative and spiritual vision, which I spent the last year and a half studying in the process of earning…

Today’s Freaking Insane Conservative News

By Adam Minihan | October 6, 2014

You can’t get me far enough away from this lunacy fast enough:“The former general counsel and executive director of the South Carolina Republican Party is coming under fire for the novel solutions to the Ebola epidemic he is posting on Twitter.The vehemently pro-life Todd Kincannon began by arguing that anyone who contracts Ebola should be…

Want to win a Douay-Rheims Haydock Catholic Bible?

By Adam Minihan | October 6, 2014

Here’s your shot.

NY Times writer indulges in some major projection

By Adam Minihan | October 4, 2014

He is ever so worried about “the Church’s gay obsession”.  No. Really.Here’s a little excerpt from the introduction to Salt and Light: The Commandments, the Beatitudes, and a Joyful Life.There is a famous Far Side cartoon that describes what we say to our dogs (“Did you get into the trash, Ginger? You’ve been a bad…

Fr. Benedict Groeschel, RIP

By Adam Minihan | October 4, 2014

May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.  I have nothing but gratitude to him and for him.

A Call to Hope

By Adam Minihan | October 4, 2014

Wherever you look these days, there are causes for fear. Islamic brutality is on the march, and our brothers and sisters in the Middle East are suffering greatly. Ebola is spreading quickly, with fears it could become a global pandemic. There is conflict in the Church hierarchy leading up to the synod on the family. And…

Homestarrunner is back! Let Joy Be Unconfined!

By Adam Minihan | October 4, 2014

For those of you unfamiliar with the genius of, go here and browse around (particularly the StrongBad emails) and enjoy!

Carl Olson on Rapture Rubbish and the Left Behind series

By Adam Minihan | October 4, 2014

Solid Catholic material in response to the inexplicably popular series and the comic book level theology industry behind it. Sadly, Nicholas Cage will not be playing Carl in the film version.

Do the Math

By Adam Minihan | October 4, 2014

This:plus this:multiplied millions of times results in this:Let us be extremely clear. This nut’s arguments about the second amendment as a license to start shooting at the state should some gun nut decide he feels oppressed is absolutely indistinguishable from what you can hear on FOX news, or Talk Radio, or the NRA on any given day. The only…