
School Told to Call Kids ‘Purple Penguins’ Because ‘Boys and Girls’ Is Not Inclusive to Transgender

By Adam Minihan | October 9, 2014

I should have known better than to trust the Right Wing Outrage Noise Machine.

It never happens and besides they deserve it

By Adam Minihan | October 9, 2014

A reader writes:It seems that many of your readers are unwilling to believe that pregnant mothers face discrimination at the workplace. Perhaps they might consider Forbes to be a reliable source on this issue. We cannot be an effective voice for life issues if we aren’t willing to understand and be compassionate and supportive regarding…

Te Deum Laudamus…

By Adam Minihan | October 9, 2014

has the scoop on the recent 15th Call to Holiness Conference, replete with Solemn High Mass Photos; Audio and Video

In a time of global fear and uncertainty…

By Adam Minihan | October 9, 2014

…one man brought hope and joy to a troubled world–BY RECREATING FAWLTY TOWERS IN LEGOS!

I bet he was shocked to discover there was gambling in Vegas too

By Adam Minihan | October 9, 2014

Obama pretends to care about money in politics then goes to a 32,000/head fundraiser hosted by a bazillionaire named–I am not making this up–Rich Richman.

Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig on Ayn Rand and her Christian devotees

By Adam Minihan | October 9, 2014

There are few things more indicative of the advanced state of disease in “conservative” Christian circles than the embarrrassing and disgusting fascination with enemy of God Ayn Rand.  The spectacle of watching Catholics twist themselves into pretzels trying to pretend she was “Aristotle” to Paul Ryan’s “St. Thomas” was one of the most appalling and…

Two Things on Catholic Evangelization

By Adam Minihan | October 8, 2014

First, the ever-enjoyable Bad Evangelist Club has new sooper-secret information on why ecumenism is supposed to lead to more evangelism, not less.Second, my pal Garrett Johnson writes from Rome to talk about 13 points of Evangelization as a Catholic.

The Driscollfication of Studly Evangelicalism

By Adam Minihan | October 8, 2014

…proceeds apace in the work of Imminent Disaster Visible from Space Rev. Heath Mooneyham, a pastor so obviously dangerous to follow that only Christians drinking deep of the Thing that Used to Be Conservatism could miss the flashing red lights and warning klaxons and follow him in growing numbers. As with the obviously catastrophic Marc Driscoll,…

So Ultra-Uber Seattle

By Adam Minihan | October 8, 2014

We just voted to change “Columbus Day” to “Indigenous Peoples’ Day”.A few years back. We changed the name of King County to, wait for it, King County. Only now it was named for Martin Luther King instead of some obscure 19th century former slaveholder. We love our symbolic gestures here in Seattle.Me: I don’t have…

Stunning Legal Theft

By Adam Minihan | October 8, 2014

Another week, another astounding revelation of the police kleptocracy we live under (NSFW language, but do watch it):