Here he is spouting damned post-Vatican II heresy about valuing temptation:My brethren, count it all joy, when you shall fall into divers temptations: Knowing that the trying of your faith worketh patience And patience hath a perfect work: that you may be perfect and entire, failing in nothing. (Jas 1:2–4).I’m told that the bit about…
…Before Promulgating Encyclical.First, he must give me a pony and this cool thing that automatically folds and shoots paper airplanes.Then I’ll think about it.
A reader invites us to pray a novena for Brittany, the woman with cancer who intends to kill herself on November 1.Lord, hear our prayer that she choose life through your Son Jesus Christ. Mother Mary, St. Luke, St. Peregrine, and St John Paul II, pray for her and all who love her.A reader writes:I…
Lately, I have been feeling discouraged about my spiritual life and all the areas of my heart that I still have not yet fully surrendered to the Lord. My prayer life has seen better days and I am desperately in need of a good confession, but seem to be doing my level best to avoid…
Having Patience for the Sausage-Making SynodBy Very Rev. Robert BarronFather Robert Barron is the founder of the global ministry, Word on Fire, and the Rector/President of Mundelein Seminary. He is the creator of the award winning documentary series, “Catholicism” and “Catholicism:The New Evangelization.” Learn more at The midterm report on the deliberations of the Synod on the…
Here’s one on Arius and Nicaea:
is a font of common sense and goodness. God bless her!
I’ve remained more or less agnostic on the question of anthopogenic climate change since, hey, what do I know? The reports and argumentation in the public square have always tended to confuse me, such as thisCalifornia’s drought linked to greenhouse gases, climate change (Sept. 29, 2014)“California’s extraordinary drought is linked to the abundance of greenhouse…
Golly, what a completely novel idea. Who’da thunk a Protestant would claim–for the thirty thousandth time–that everybody before him (especially those EEEEEEVIL papists) was wrong and part of an Evil Conspiracy and he is the very first person in history to discover the TRVTH! There’s even a “once the Jews get *our* vision of gnosticism,…