
The Four Ends of Mass

By Adam Minihan | October 18, 2014

“It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do without Holy Mass.” – St. Padre Pio After a talk I gave a while ago, a young man came to me with a question. “I think I’m a good Catholic,” he began, “but I don’t go to mass. I hear…

Take the 14 Day “Heroic Minute” Challenge

By Adam Minihan | October 17, 2014

It happened again today… I opened my eyes to the bright morning sunlight streaming through my bedroom window. I could hear my husband shaving in the bathroom and the sounds of my children bustling around the kitchen.  UGH – I groaned and lay back on my pillow.  I did it again. All of my best…

Bill Doino, Jr. on La Popessa…

By Adam Minihan | October 17, 2014

…over at First Things.

Of Hard Heads and Soft Hearts

By Adam Minihan | October 17, 2014

A discussion of creeds over at the Register.

Dear Lefties: The solution to every problem you face

By Adam Minihan | October 17, 2014

When addressing the right about any social, political, environmental, or financial problem you want to address, just link it to Teh Terrorists[TM]:Note:  Be careful how you phrase the appeal.  Don’t say things like “Global Warming Helped Create  ISIS” because, you know, there’s an Eyeroll Factor involved in such a claim and the subtext is not “Terror!…

Houston Mayor Backs Down

By Adam Minihan | October 17, 2014

Good. Now she should be voted out for so much as attempting to subpoena sermons.

Interesting Move of the Spirit in Ireland

By Adam Minihan | October 17, 2014

An Irish reader writes:A BBC top political correspondent here in Northern Ireland – Martina Purdy – is taking tentative steps towards religious life with the Sisters of Adoration & Reparation. Originally from West Belfast (predominantly a Nationalist/Republican area- not like ‘your’ Republicans…) but reared in Canada she had a high reputation among politicians across the…

Arrogant Cardinal is Arrogant

By Adam Minihan | October 17, 2014

Kasper disses African bishops (cuz, you know, it’s all about about being a global, non-Eurocentric Church ‘n all). Tries to deny he did it. Journalist posts recording. Cardinal learns valuable lesson about how modern media and technology work.I’m just shocked that a German could ever be arrogant.

Good Interview with Mark Brumley of Ignatius Press

By Adam Minihan | October 16, 2014

Mark’s one of my favorite peeps.

5 Ways to Practice Conversion

By Adam Minihan | October 16, 2014

Be converted, the kingdom of God is at hand. These are the first world we hear from the lips of Our Blessed Savior as He initiates His Public ministry. Conversion in Greek is Metanoia, meaning change of heart. The core of the teaching of the Precursor of Jesus, St. John the Baptist, was the same,…