
Prayer Request

By Adam Minihan | October 21, 2014

A reader writes:Mark, please say a prayer, My partner’s brother was shot last night. While, apparently, he only got shot in the shoulder, my partner is still out of his mind.Father, hear our prayer for this man’s complete healing in body, soul, and spirit.  Grant his caregivers grace, compassion, wisdom, counsel, knowledge, creativity, insight, skill,…

The Rosary: The Best Prayer for Men

By Adam Minihan | October 21, 2014

Devotion to Our Lady may not seem an intuitive thing for some Catholic men. Growing up, I’d occasionally catch my father as he finished praying the Rosary early on Saturday mornings (begun in peace when the rest of us were asleep), or notice he’d left his handsome set of beads lying out on a coffee…

The Heroic Minute Challenge: Day 4: Preparing For the Heroic Minute the Night Before

By Adam Minihan | October 21, 2014

I blew it this morning. My alarm was set for the “fixed time” of 6:00AM, and I woke up exhausted. Without even thinking, I immediately hit the snooze button. After the first snooze rang, I re-set the alarm for 6:30AM and rolled over for a few more minutes of restless sleep. Laying there attempting to…

Bergoglio’s List is out today

By Adam Minihan | October 21, 2014

One of the funniest misfires in the wake of the election of Francis was the instantaneous attempt of the hardcore atheist and Catholic hater crowd on the Left to accuse him of being a tool of the military dictator nasties in Argentina who disappeared political enemies, etc during the Dirty War. It was a very…

Fr. Robert Barron Revisits the Argument from Motion

By Adam Minihan | October 21, 2014

I love his Thomism for Joe SixPak stuff:Revisiting the Argument from MotionBy Very Rev. Robert BarronFather Robert Barron is the founder of the global ministry, Word on Fire, and the Rector/President of Mundelein Seminary. He is the creator of the award winning documentary series, “Catholicism”  and “Catholicism:The New Evangelization.” Learn more at One of the unintended but…

Baltimore Cops Beat up Innocent Old Lady

By Adam Minihan | October 21, 2014

…discover that she’s tougher than they realized.Baltimore is hemorrhaging money from suits against cops.  Naturally, the bureaucrats don’t think of hiring better cops, they think of screwing the victims out of money.  Smart.


By Adam Minihan | October 21, 2014

…the death penalty.

Visiting the Sick

By Adam Minihan | October 21, 2014

Yr. Obdt. Svt. on a Work of Mercy that has suddenly taken on especially Christ-like significance as panicked people freak out about a handful of cases of ebola.If you want to know more about the Catholic tradition of the works of mercy, click on this lovely cover:

It Didn’t Go Out with Vatican II

By Adam Minihan | October 20, 2014

In which we discuss the bizarre unity of Reactionaries and Progressives when it comes to the peculiar belief that the Church split into two Churches–pre- and post-Vatican II, some 50 years ago. For the rest of us, it’s still just the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church–even when Francis is pope.

The Heroic Minute Challenge: Day 3: Jesus Lives Out the Heroic Minute

By Adam Minihan | October 20, 2014

Day 3 of the Heroic Minute Challenge and our very first Monday. For me, getting a good start on Monday mornings sets the tone not only for the remainder of the day, but for the remainder of the week. Sadly, I often find myself getting up late and rushing around to get the week started.…