Only in America is this news. “Among the rich you will never find a really generous man even by accident. They may give their money away, but they will never give themselves away; they are egotistic, secretive, dry as old bones. To be smart enough to get all that money you must be dull enough…
…on his new gig as lead guitar for ZZ Top:Every girl crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man.
A reader writes:I am requesting prayers for needs on my behalf (and those relying on my behalf) at work.Thank you.Father, hear our prayer through your Son Jesus Christ. Mother Mary, St. Joseph, and St. Luke, pray for him and all who rely on him.Another reader writes:I can’t stop thinking about work after I finish for…
Those which are asked to find things out and those which are asked to keep from finding things 0ut. We are discussing them over at the Register.
Simcha Fisher has the story of a woman who, after 17 years of marriage and six kids, was ditched by her husband (who is lawyering up and trying to reduce her to penury). Now, on top of that, she needs major surgery. If you can help her, you’d be helping Christ.
Day 7 of the 14 Day “Heroic Minute” Challenge – the half-way point. Have you mastered the Heroic Minute? I surely have not, but I am learning so much during this challenge about myself, about the Lord and also about the value of struggling.St. Josemarie Escriva offers us the following quote to highlight the approach…
I can never really find happiness or complete fulfilment as a human being with a device that turns ice cubes into perfectly crystal clear ice balls through sheer brute force and pressure:Please drop everything and attend to my needs, wants and desires immediately, The Internet, and procure this vitally important Thing.Thank you.
How Corporations Took Over a Basic Human RightThis is a prolife issue.Commies used to say that a capitalist would sell you the rope to hang him with. Commies lost though, so their opinion will only get you so far. And as crony capitalism has taken over what is remarkable is how many of the people…