
CDC attempting to quarantine all of time and space

By Adam Minihan | October 28, 2014

as Time Lord contracts Ebola:

The Heroic Minute Challenge: Day 8: The Proverbs 31 Woman’s Heroic Minute

By Adam Minihan | October 28, 2014

So far during the 14 Day “Heroic Minute” Challenge, we have learned from the Scriptures about how Our Lord Jesus himself rose before dawn to begin his day in prayer.  Today, I’d like to propose a famous Old Testament woman’s Heroic Minute – the Proverb’s 31 woman.This woman is an absolute ROCK STAR of virtuous living.…

Gay In Christ Conference Sounds Promising

By Adam Minihan | October 28, 2014

A reader writes:I’m writing from the University of Notre Dame with what I believe to be welcome news in the current confusion surrounding the Church and homosexuals. Our Institute for Church Life will be hosting a conference “to explore appropriate pastoral strategies for Catholic parishioners who regard themselves as non-heterosexual, but who accept Catholic Church…

Ben at Two Catholic Men has some Mathematical Weirdness

By Adam Minihan | October 28, 2014

…for you to play around with.I believe mathematics to be a form of witchcraft or magic of some kind. I do not understand it. Therefore I fear it and wish to lash out blindly and destroy it.All English majors are like this.

Frustrated by our politics, a reader writes…

By Adam Minihan | October 28, 2014

I have something I want to run past you if you don’t mind. If you don’t have time for this just hit the old delete button, I won’t mind. Since the 2012 elections I have felt like a man without a country and very disappointed, disappointed at my fellow countrymen for pretty much telling me,…

The Argument from Motion, Part III

By Adam Minihan | October 28, 2014

…in which the invaluable Mike Flynn continues his discussion of St. Thomas first demonstration of the existence of God. Caution, Nu Atheists: Flynn prefers using his intellect to your habit of merely worshipping it. Go here and here to catch up with the discussion.

Crescendo is on Youtube

By Adam Minihan | October 28, 2014

It’s reaped 6 million bucks for crisis pregnancy centers and won 15 film awards. Not bad for a 15 minute film.

Prayer Request

By Adam Minihan | October 28, 2014

A reader writes:Bishop Baker of the Diocese of Birmingham is very sick. He has been in the hospital for over two weeks, and my priest says that it is a life-threatening illness. Please pray for his healing!Father, hear our prayer for Bishop Baker’s complete healing body, soul, and spirit. Grant his caregivers grace, compassion, wisdom,…

In Ye Olden Days, CBS Reported News

By Adam Minihan | October 27, 2014

These days they work for Barack Milhous Obama in his Dirty Tricks Unit.

12 Ways to Become a Committed Catholic Man

By Adam Minihan | October 27, 2014

There is a Catholic “man-crisis.” Large numbers of men who were baptized Catholic have left the Church and the majority of those who remain are “Casual Catholic Men”, men who do not know the Catholic faith and don’t practice it. This large-scale failure of Catholic men to commit themselves to Jesus Christ and His Church…