
The Official Catholic Bacon Blessing

By Adam Minihan | October 29, 2014

Ah, bacon. This deliciously greasy and salty meat is celebrated and enjoyed by men everywhere. Indeed, the global veneration of bacon has become a mania. And what’s not to love? It is the most versatile of meats and the perfect complement for any meal, whether it’s topping a pizza, a side with eggs, or wrapped around…

The Zealously Pro-Abort Politician “Prolife” Christian Conservatives Staunchly Support

By Adam Minihan | October 29, 2014

The Dems may have soured on Obama, but there is still one ardently pro-abortion politician that Americans love and support without question. Curiously, he is, if anything more intensely and unquestioningly supported by “prolife” conservative Christians than by the left. Indeed, for many “prolife” Christian conservatives, to question this zealously pro-abortion politician is like questioning…

The Heroic Minute Challenge: Day 12: Scriptures For the Morning

By Adam Minihan | October 29, 2014

As we enter into the home stretch of the 14 Day “Heroic Minute” Challenge, here are five of my favorite scripture verses related to the morning. In contemplating these it seems that there is a few consistent themes among them:Our morning should begin with praise and thanksgiving to God. This seems straightforward – the very…

Diocese of Raleigh Seminarian with terminal brain cancer responds to Brittany Maynard

By Adam Minihan | October 29, 2014

The Diocese of Raleigh writes:Philip Johnson, a 30-year-old Catholic seminarian from the Diocese of Raleigh who has terminal brain cancer, has written an article responding to Brittany Maynard, the 29-year-old woman who has publicly stated her plan to commit suicide due to the fact that she has a terminal brain cancer. Johnson is vocal about…

The Dominican Option

By Adam Minihan | October 29, 2014

Instead of withdrawal from the world, how about sharing the fruits of prayer and contemplation with the world? God did not so love the world that he hunkered down in Fortress Katolicus seeking the perfect liturgy, scrutinizing people for heresy, and repelling everybody who sought him as an invader.The world is to be loved, not…

Pope Francis In radical break with his predecessors…

By Adam Minihan | October 29, 2014

Pope John Paul II …Today, more than a half-century after the appearance of that encyclical, some new findings lead us toward the recognition of evolution as more than an hypothesis.* In fact it is remarkable that this theory has had progressively greater influence on the spirit of researchers, following a series of discoveries in different…

Moral Disengagement and the Death Penalty

By Adam Minihan | October 29, 2014

One of the overlooked aspects of the death penalty is what it does to those who inflict it.  Combox executioners, who so easily thirst for the blood of others and whose overriding question is “When do we *get* to kill?” are, like warmongering chickenhawks and torture defenders, never the people who have to do the…

Professor of Suicide Bombing in Baghdad

By Adam Minihan | October 29, 2014

…accidentally graduates entire class of 21 students Magna cum Laude.

Catholic and Enjoying It Live Today at 6:00 PM Eastern

By Adam Minihan | October 29, 2014

Since we only scratched the surface of her fascinating work (an interview you can listen to here), I’ll be interviewing Sherry Weddell again about Forming Intentional Disciples.You can listen here.Next week I’ll be talking with Brandon Vogt.It’s a live show, so you can call in and join the conversation at 1–866–333–6279.

Hey Western Washington! I’m coming to St. Mark’s Parish in Shoreline!

By Adam Minihan | October 28, 2014

Over the next four Thursdays, I will be speaking at St. Mark’s parish in Shoreline at 7 PM.  Here’s the itinerary:Thursday evenings 7-8pm Sullivan HallOct 30 – Incarnational Evangelism Nov 6 – This is My Body: An Evangelical Discovers the Real Presence Nov 13 – Exploring the Our Father Nov 20 – The Biblical Roots…