
Five Favorites (Vol 7) Quotes From St. Francis Xavier

By Adam Minihan | December 3, 2014

On December 3, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Francis Xavier, patron saint of missionaries. St. Francis Xavier was a Jesuit missionary best known for the thousands of people he brought to conversion and Baptism in India and Japan. In a letter he wrote from the missionary fields in India, he described the amount…

Be Not Afraid: A Book of Quotes for Catholic Men

By Adam Minihan | December 3, 2014

We live in an age of soundbites and bullet points, in which fragmented attention is a fact of life. It is often difficult to find time to finish a lengthy article or essay, much less a book. That’s one reason why I love quotes. A good quote can inspire, rebuke, motivate, or encourage you in…

Funeral Arrangements for Fr. Bill Skeehan

By Adam Minihan | December 2, 2014

From the Church of the Resurrection, here are the funeral arrangements for Fr. Bill Skeehan: A Rosary will be said at Christ the King Church, on Wednesday, Dec. 3. 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Funeral Mass at Christ the King Church, Thursday, December 4, 2014 a 1:00 p.m. Please pray for the peaceful repose of Fr. Bill…

Fun Post: 27 things you might not know about ‘Christmas Vacation’

By Adam Minihan | December 2, 2014

If you are like my family, you probably enjoy watching Christmas movie classics (Click here for a great list of Christmas Classics). One that seems to always make the top 10 list is Christmas Vacation. Here is a list of 27 things you might not know about the movie. Click here to get your very own…


By Adam Minihan | December 2, 2014

What is Giving Tuesday? We have a day for giving thanks. We have two for getting deals. Now, we have #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back. On Tuesday, December 2, 2014, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to…

Great Catholic Gift Websites for Christmas!

By Adam Minihan | December 2, 2014

As we enter the Advent Season, we prepare for Christmas! This year give a gift that will enrich your loved ones spiritual life. We compiled a list of great Catholic Websites for your shopping convenience! If we missed one of your favorite websites, let us know on our Facebook page. Always help out your local…

Conversion Story: Southern Baptist Seminarian to Catholic

By Adam Minihan | December 2, 2014

Watch this video of a young Southern Baptist Seminarian who converted to Catholicism!

What is Advent and what should Catholics do during Advent?

By Adam Minihan | December 2, 2014

Does it seem to you that each year the holiday season gets busier and busier, and we get further and further away from the true meaning of the Advent and Christmas season? The best way to combat this tendency is to adopt or renew Advent traditions in the home. Whether you are single, a busy…

A Journey through RCIA – Part 2

By Adam Minihan | December 2, 2014

Social Justice – This last RCIA class was held before the first Sunday in Advent. For the first time since deciding to convert to Catholicism, and since starting my RCIA journey, the class topic was personally challenging. When the young Father announced the teaching would be on Catholic Social Teaching and Social Justice, I could…

Hallelujah – A Christmas Version

By Adam Minihan | December 2, 2014

A great version of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”. Enjoy! We hope everyone has a blessed Advent Season! O come, O come, Emmanuel!!