
Catholic Young Adults January Events

By Adam Minihan | January 5, 2015

Here’s a list of CYA (Catholic Young Adults) events going on in the month of January. To learn more about the CYA click here. Join their Facebook page here. Tuesday January 13- Holy Grounds at Brookside by Day: Father Tim Davison will be speaking on the rosary. Social hour @7, he will speak @8. Thursday…

Date Night – January 29th – Don’t Miss It!

By Adam Minihan | January 5, 2015

The 10th Annual Cooking Up Compassion is Thursday, January 29th, 2015.  If you haven’t been before, this year is the year to go! It is a blast. The St. Michael Radio team went last year together and we immediately said this is a must-do every year. This year they will be celebrating 10 years of…

Praying to the Saints

By Adam Minihan | January 5, 2015

The historical Christian practice of asking our departed brothers and sisters in Christ—the saints—for their intercession has come under attack in the last few hundred years. Though the practice dates to the earliest days of Christianity and is shared by Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, other Eastern Christians, and even some Anglicans—meaning that all-told it is shared…

Relentless Forward Progress: What running 100 miles taught me about the spiritual life

By Adam Minihan | January 5, 2015

Whenever someone finds out I’ve run a 100 mile race, they usually ask two questions; “why?” and “how?” The first question is hard, if not impossible, to answer. If it isn’t immediately obvious why someone would want to do this, then I probably won’t be able to explain. For most people who run these things,…

How Jesus Died For You

By Adam Minihan | January 3, 2015

How Jesus Died For You Taken From: The Anatomical And Physiological Details Of Death By Crucifixion: By Dr. C. Truman Davis A Physician Analyzes the Crucifixion. From New Wine Magazine, April 1982. Originally published in Arizona Medicine, March 1965, Arizona Medical Association. How Jesus Died For You Below are facts on How Jesus Died For…

A Minute with St. Thomas Aquinas

By Adam Minihan | January 3, 2015

ST. THOMAS AQUINAS Whether all things are good by the divine goodness? (Summa Theologica Part 1, Question 6, Article 4, Corpus) (We know God is the ultimate goodness, in fact God is Goodness itself. But how does that relate to us and all the other good things in the world? St. Thomas explains this here…

When going to Adoration with kids can be fun!

By Adam Minihan | January 2, 2015

  Finding time and going to adoration is tough as it is… adding children that can’t sit still for half a second into the mix, makes it seem more of a chore and stressful situation than spending time with the Lord. For those who would like to know a little more about adoration, this is…

If Pope Francis Wrote Out Resolutions

By Adam Minihan | January 1, 2015

Today is a day of new beginnings, just like 365 days ago. Many of us will make resolutions we intend to keep to make us better people. Some we will keep for a month or so, others only for a week. And that resolution not to eat snacks between meals? That may not make it…

7 Catholic New Year’s Resolutions

By Adam Minihan | December 31, 2014

The New Year is upon us – and with its coming brings New Year’s resolutions – we are all familiar with them; we have all made them; we have all broken them by January 7…The media is replete with lists of the most popular resolutions which can usually be broken down into three categories: losing,…

Christian Billboard in Times Square

By Adam Minihan | December 31, 2014

There are many provocative billboards in Times Square, especially around the holidays. Rarely do they have a good message. But thanks to a Christian group, Answers in Genesis, this billboard might make the millions of tourists visiting this New Year Eve think twice.