
EOC – January/February Edition

By Adam Minihan | January 26, 2015

January’s EOC contains but not limited to the following topics: 1. Hoops for Hope – Varsity Catholic basketball programs in Oklahoma play to serve 2. The teaching sisters of St. Catherine School – Virtues and values in word and deed 3. The State of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Tulsa 4. Parenting in the…

Outside the Walls: January 19, 2015

By Adam Minihan | January 23, 2015

Featuring: The Tulsa March for Life Introduction to The Devout Life by St. Francis De Sales What it takes to see the end of Abortion The Dignity of the Human Person

Why The Devil Hates the Blessed Virgin so Much (And Why You Should Love Her)

By Adam Minihan | January 23, 2015

Satan hates the Blessed Virgin Mary. In fact, he has been doing everything in his power to discourage devotion to her and instill hatred for her for two millennia. Have you ever noticed that is Marian dogmas and devotions that stir the strongest reactions in those who reject the Church? Even some good Catholics are…

Did you know….

By Adam Minihan | January 23, 2015

Yesterday was the 42nd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Unless you live under a rock, you heard about Catholics and non-Catholics coming together for “March for Life” in Washington DC and all over the nation. Here are 5 things you might not know about Roe v Wade: 1. “Jane Roe” of Roe v Wade is now…

Why the Devil Hates the Blessed Virgin So Much (And Why You Should Love Her)

By Adam Minihan | January 23, 2015

Satan hates the Blessed Virgin Mary. In fact, he has been doing everything in his power to discourage devotion to her and instill hatred for her for two millennia. Have you ever noticed that it is Marian dogmas and devotions that stir the strongest reactions in those who reject the Church? Even some good Catholics…

March For Life Review

By Adam Minihan | January 23, 2015

              The 42nd March for Life again lived up to its reputation, drawing hundreds of thousands of mostly young marchers who oppose abortion in Washington DC.  The march’s motto, “Every life is a gift” stems from a tweet Pope Francis tweeted from his @Pontifex Twitter Account. Even with pro-choice…

Abortion is not just a religious issue

By Adam Minihan | January 22, 2015

Today is #MarchforLife. It is the anniversary of the decision of Roe v. Wade. Hundreds of thousand Catholics and non-Catholics gather together today a march for life in DC and all across the nation. Tulsa is having a March for Life and I would like to invite you to join us! You can find more…

The Funeral March for Life

By Adam Minihan | January 22, 2015

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “God offers to every mind its choice between truth and repose.” Those who choose repose receive release from the mandates of truth—but it is only temporary. Truth cannot be rejected forever. Those who choose truth, on the other hand, have no rest—and so they march. They march ever onward. The March…

Can You Be Good Without Believing in God?

By Adam Minihan | January 21, 2015

Dr. William Lane Craig and his team produced this video on “The Moral Argument” of God’s existence. You can read more about his work here. We hope you enjoy and share this with your friends!

The Biblical Boots of the Papacy

By Adam Minihan | January 20, 2015

Do you remember that one scene in Toy Story when Sheriff Woody, unsure of his vocation, doubts his authority over the rest of the gang? Woody’s been insulted and abandoned, his motives have been questioned, threats to domestic security are only getting scarier, and he’s feeling very, well, very human. It’s been a long story,…