
Outside the Walls: Episode 32 — A Response to Same-Sex Marriage

By Adam Minihan | July 3, 2015

Featuring: Readings for Saturday, June 27, 2015 St. Augustine on Being a Servant of Christ Anonymous Guest — A Young man who experiences unchosen Same-Sex Attractions, but chooses to identify based on his chosen pursuit of virtue. How to proclaim the Truth about marriage in a way that will be received The importance of speaking…

The Saint of the Titanic: The Last Voyage of Fr. Thomas Byles

By Adam Minihan | July 1, 2015

Abide with me; fast falls the eventide; The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide. On board in all directions there was the sound of running feet. It was clear there was something wrong. Before hearing anything, however, one had somehow sensed it. Some indiscernible threat had impacted and was quickly making its presence felt throughout…

Fraternitas is LIVE!

By Adam Minihan | June 27, 2015

It is the feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and that means Fraternitas is LIVE! Click here to sign up. Remember, the first 50 to register get a free one-decade rosary and some stickers and buttons! Everyone gets a free download of “Be Not Afraid: A Book of Quotes for Catholic Men”. Here are…

Satan Hates the Family. Here’s Why.

By Adam Minihan | June 26, 2015

The United States just legalized gay “marriage.” Fear is in the air. I will simply share these thoughts: The final war between Satan and the Lord God is over the family. Why? Because the family is an icon of the Most Holy Trinity. The communion of love between the three Divine Persons is the original…

Outside the Walls: Episode 31 – Authentic Fatherhood

By Adam Minihan | June 26, 2015

Featuring: Readings for Saturday, June 20, 2015 St. Gregory of Nyssa on Christian Perfection Dcn. Kevin Tulipana, M.D. — Father of 8 Authentic Fatherhood Creating a Catholic Identity in our Homes Domestic Monasticism Giveaway – “Father of the Family” by Clayton C. Barbeau

Chesterton: The Youth Will Save the Church

By Adam Minihan | June 24, 2015

Those claiming the Catholic Church is dead are many. Secularists can’t wait to put the last nail in the coffin of their greatest enemy and publish the obituary. Anti-Catholic protestants can’t wait for the day when they can claim definitively that Rome has failed and fallen into apostasy. “See,” they hope to say with glee, “you…

Live Among these Books

By Adam Minihan | June 23, 2015

An excerpt from St. Jerome’s writings: I beg of you, my dear brother, to live among these books, to meditate upon them, to know nothing else, to seek nothing else. Does not such a life seem to you a foretaste of heaven here on earth? Let not the simplicity of the scripture or the poorness…

Fraternitas: Countdown to Launch Day

By Adam Minihan | June 22, 2015

For the past two weeks, I’ve been sharing details on the launch of my new men’s society, Fraternitas (see here and here). To review, Fraternitas is a community for men offering you the opportunity to build you Catholic library with a high quality monthly book, meet other Catholic men through online discussion forums, the ability to…

This Father’s Day, Vow to be a Committed Catholic Father

By Adam Minihan | June 21, 2015

It is mid-June, so it is time for the annual national “head nod” to fathers on Father’s Day. For many, Father’s Day will pass unrecognized; for others, Father’s Day will be celebrated with “man-gifts” (e.g. tools, sports gear, etc.) and perhaps with a pleasant BBQ with family. But how many will ponder the dismal state…

Outside the Walls: Episode 30 – The Feminine Genius of the Bride of Christ

By Adam Minihan | June 19, 2015

Featuring: Readings for Saturday, June 13, 2015 St. Augustine on Following Christ Deanna Johnston, Pastoral Minister at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Dodge City, KS. What is the New Feminism? How does the Catholic Feminism of “complementarity” differ from Secular Feminism? How we are all Feminine compared to God. Giveaway – “The…