Motivation is the key to carrying out any worthy enterprise. Great men and great women have clear goals and strong motivations. They know what they want and they have a clear plan before their eyes. CEO’s in successful companies know what they want, have goals, deadlines, and concrete steps to attain those goals. Professional athletes…
Fear. Have you felt it? There are few things that can control us so profoundly as real fear. We can be afraid of many things, even things we know are good: a commitment, a person, guilt, the feeling of pain. We can fear the uncertainty of the future, or world events, or being vulnerable with…
Porn is an epidemic. There’s no other way to put it. Sixty-eight (68) percent of young adult men say they look at porn at least once a week. Sixty-four (64) percent of Christian men say they look at porn at least once a month. There were 1.5 billion searches for pornography since the beginning of the year.…
Do you want to be a radical Catholic? Maybe you do, maybe you don’t. After all, the word radical can be a good or bad depending on the context. Sometimes it carries connotations of passionate commitment or admirable zeal. Other times, it can mean fanatical, freakish, or even dangerous devotion to a cause. But I would…
Brewers worldwide have been ramping up production, six packs have been flying off the shelves, and priests everywhere are giddy with anticipation. Why? Because International Buy a Priest a Beer Day (IBAPABD) is right around the corner! This ancient and joyful feast—dedicated to the celebration of hardworking priests—falls this year on September 7th*! Origins of Said…
The 45 minute wait time. The stubbed toe. The traffic jam. The report due by 3 p.m. The gossiping relative. The mortgage payment. The gross diaper change. The unexpected car repair. The lost wallet. The rude person at the grocery store. The head cold. This is the stuff of ordinary life. In each of these moments we are…
The following is a chapter from a forthcoming book on fatherhood and mentoring by Jason Craig. “My father, in all his teaching,” said John Stuart Mill, “demanded of me not only the utmost that I could do, but much that I could by no possibility could have done.” Fatherhood fully realized communicates meaning, purpose, and…
At last, here is an easy-to-follow guide for identifying a real marriage that exposes the new imitations to be, well, imitations. Essential for the 321 million Americans who have a biological mother and father, this new guide includes stunningly accurate illustrations, important field marks and behaviors, plus expert advice on identification basics that will help…
Ah, who can properly extol the virtues of that great mark of the male sex, the glorious and ineffable beard! From the beginning of time it has sprung forth from the chins of men, proclaiming the dignity and uniqueness of our kind. Long has it adorned prophets, kings, and holy men of old. Long has it…
Though the New Evangelization has been a major effort in the Catholic Church for over forty years, it has failed to stem the disastrous losses of the faithful in the U.S. The New Evangelization is faltering: since 2000, 14 million Catholics have left the faith, parish religious education participation of children has dropped by 24%,…