
Home to Me

By Adam Minihan | November 19, 2015

Memories of my Grandmother’s house powerfully evoke all five of my senses. I can still hear the creak of the linoleum steps beneath my feet as I would ascend to her second floor apartment, the smell of simmering marinara sauce or some other Italian comfort food wafting to meet my nose.  Her greeting was always the same: a…

Catholic Men: Meet Your King

By Adam Minihan | November 18, 2015

The world of men is careening into greater and greater chaos.  Blood thirsty slaughter of civilians by Islamists.  The wholesale holocaust of babies through abortion.  The growing power of secular governments and media juggernauts who use propaganda and advertising to manipulate opinion and control the masses.  The edicts of judges that overturn the age old understanding of…

Saint Charbel Makhluf

By Adam Minihan | November 17, 2015

Tonight Relics of St. Charbel Makhluf at St. Therese Maronite Church! As part of a tour of all Maronite churches in the US, the major relics of St. Charbel Makhluf  will come to St. Therese Mronite Church, 8315 S. 107th E. Ave., tonight November 17th. Here is the schedule of events: NOVEMBER 17TH 5pm: Exposition…

Happy Birthday St. Michael Catholic Radio!

By Adam Minihan | November 16, 2015

Monday November 16th, 2015 Today marks the 1 year anniversary to St. Michael Catholic Radio being on air! Here is a brief look at what we have been able to accomplish this year: Collect donations to help build and install the equipment to broadcast our signal in the Broken Arrow/South Tulsa area Start 2 local…

Inviting Christ to Be King of Our Hearts

By Adam Minihan | November 16, 2015

This article originally appeared on Catholic 365.In 1925, in an encyclical entitled Quas Primas, Pope Pius XI instituted the Solemnity of Christ the King and decreed that it should be celebrated as an annual feast by the entire church on the last Sunday of the liturgical year, as “the crowning glory upon the mysteries of…

Miserere Nobis: A Plea for Conversion in the Midst of a World in Crisis

By Adam Minihan | November 14, 2015

The world, it seems, is falling to pieces. Each day brings ever worsening reports of war, violence, and devastation. Protests, riots, bombings, beheadings, rapes, kidnappings, persecutions—the list goes on and on. Yesterday, yet another horror unfolded in Paris, one of the most devastating yet in the Western world, and we feel with foreboding that it…

7 Advent Resources From Lighthouse Catholic Media

By Adam Minihan | November 13, 2015

Let’s be honest – December is a crazy month – amiright?  Every December I have the best of intentions of truly using Advent as a time of preparation, but most Decembers, the pink candle is lit on the Advent wreath before I even realize that I have done nothing at all to prepare my heart…

7 Lessons from Max Lucado’s “You Are Special”

By Adam Minihan | November 11, 2015

Max Lucado’s children’s book You Are Special is a favorite of mine and a beautiful story with many facets to it and much to be learned from it. It is a sad story of judgment; of pride and slavery; of sin and brokenness.  It is also a beautiful story of witness and hope – a…

25 Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him

By Adam Minihan | November 9, 2015

Last year, I wrote a post called, Keep Dating Your Wife, outlining some basic ways men can show their wives that they care for them. After sharing that post again recently, I received several requests to write a post with ways wives can bless their husbands. So here it is. Honestly, I found this post…

What’s On Your Catholic Bucket List?

By Adam Minihan | November 6, 2015

Bucket lists.  You know what I’m talking about right?  Bucket lists are those wish lists that we have tucked away in the back of our minds of all the crazy things we want to accomplish before we die.  Things like climbing Mount Everest, winning the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating contest, and going over Niagara Falls…