The Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity write: For those who want to enjoy and deep and discerning poetic experience, the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity are featuring Kelly Mulhollan’s adaptation of Wallace Stevens’ poem “Never Ending Conversations” in a unique and moving musical setting. A free download through June at the Franciscanized world: Check…
What could be smarter than bringing back a deadly airborne disease that killed more people than WWI in the space of a few months? Jesus, I trust in you.
This is cool: Several prominent Catholic writers will speak at the sixth annual Catholic Writers’ Conference LIVE taking place July 30-August 1, 2014, at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center and Hotel in Schaumburg, IL. Sponsored by the Catholic Writer’s Guild and the Catholic Marketing Network (CMN), and held in conjunction with CMN’s annual retailer trade…
MEGYN KELLY: In your op-ed, you write as follows: ‘Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.’ But time and time again, history has proven that you got it wrong as well, sir. You said there were no doubts that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass…
“Behold this heart which has so loved men.” – Jesus Christ “Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, of its very nature, is a worship of the love with which God, through Jesus, loved us, and at the same time, an exercise of our own love by which we are related to God and to…
…is another fine offering from the Western Sojourn blog.
“We are in a world economic system that is not good,” Pope Francis said. “A system that in order to survive must make war, as great empires have always done. But since you cannot have a Third World War, you have regional wars. And what does this mean? That arms are made and sold..” Will…
Somebody was explaining to me that it is vital for all *real* Catholics to refuse to trust the Magisterium since the council. He really believed he was “free”. All I could think of was Jesus say, “Go in fear. Your suspicion has made you a slave.”
Chris Koch is from Nanton Alberta. He spends his spring, summer and fall working on a farm in Torquay, Saskatchewan. Chris runs the planter & sprayer in the spring, and then a combine in the fall.During the winter he does some public speaking with a theme call “If I Can”. He’s one of the billion points…