
Behold the Kingdom

By Adam Minihan | June 23, 2014

Mom hugs daughter’s killer in court.

Reading/Watching/Listening Recap: Vol 4

By Adam Minihan | June 21, 2014

Here’s a recap of some of the articles I have particularly enjoyed this week.Loved this article about things that we should NOT be giving our kids in order to teach them to be responsible, self-sufficient, productive adults. 9 Things We Should Get Rid of To Help Our Kids – Kristin – We Are That FamilyLoosely tied into…

Way to Go, Youse Guys!

By Adam Minihan | June 21, 2014

A reader writes back: I just wanted to say thank you for posting the information about Noah’s Band-Aid Drive last week. It’s been going really well and he’s so excited to see the bandages pouring in! He even scored a short interview on our local news to promote the effort So, thank you for helping…

World Pride Reparation Day

By Adam Minihan | June 21, 2014

Reader Sheepcat writes: For the third year running, we’ve organized a global prayer event in reparation for Pride Toronto–this time, it’s WorldPride. We’re inviting people to make a mortification and commit to an hour in the presence of our Eucharistic Lord for the intentions of Charity, Clarity, Chastity. Our event runs from June 20 through July…

VA Requires a Man to Get a Vasectomy

By Adam Minihan | June 21, 2014

…as part of a plea deal.  Amanda Marcotte, proving that a stopped clock is right twice a day, offers a protest that any Catholic would agree with.

A Ruling Class That Acts like the One in the Last Story

By Adam Minihan | June 20, 2014

…increasingly selects for cops that act like the ones in this story as it readies itself for when the consequences of its folly and corruption are felt on a wide scale by the people it regards as subjects and not fellow citizens. Put your trust in God, not in princes.

There are ways to help the victims in Iraq

By Adam Minihan | June 20, 2014

Mercy Corps is one of them. We who supported the creation of this catastrophe have a special obligation to help the victims of our folly.

A pilot friend sends along this testament to Francis’ prescience

By Adam Minihan | June 20, 2014

…on just one little aspect of how the global economy is headed for suicide: 1) The Obama administration has opened a US Customs pre-check facility in Dubai, despite the objections and protests of the major US airlines, both management and labor (the pilots, in particular). This is a HUGE security risk that will allow passengers…

Conscience vs. bishops

By Adam Minihan | June 20, 2014

Over the at the Register, a reader puzzles about what to do when his conscience tells him to ignore his bishop. Adventures ensue.

7 Ways to Grow in Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

By Adam Minihan | June 20, 2014

The month of June is traditionally devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with the feast of the Sacred Heart celebrated at the end of the Octave of Corpus Christi, 19 days after Pentecost. I have childhood memories of the various images of the Sacred Heart which adorned many friends and family member’s homes in…