
Prayers for my wife, Janet

By Adam Minihan | June 29, 2014

She has injured her back (not clear how) and been in *excruciating* pain for the last day.  We spent all morning at ER.  Currently she’s on pain killers and muscle relaxants and has blessedly fallen asleep, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen her in this much pain even in labor. Please pray for her!…

Predator vs. Prey

By Adam Minihan | June 28, 2014

OK GOP Candidate Charges his Opponent is a Body Double…

By Adam Minihan | June 28, 2014

…or Robot. Now if he were running against Romney, I don’t think anybody would blame him for having suspicions.

Prayer Requests and a Work of Mercy for Sudan

By Adam Minihan | June 27, 2014

A reader writes: It would appear that the place where I have been living for a number of years will likely be sold by the end of summer. Therefore, I am in need of a new place to live out my eremitic vocation. What I have quickly learned is that I simply do not enjoy…

PCUSA Refugees Welcome

By Adam Minihan | June 27, 2014

In which we discuss the latest crazy thing done by a mainline Protestant denom in utter capitulation to the culture, and the way Catholics can receive the refugees such moves invariably create.

The Sacred Heart and the Three Loves of Jesus

By Adam Minihan | June 27, 2014

In his encyclical, Haurietis Aquas, issued in 1956 on the centenary of the Feast of the Sacred Heart, Pius XII offers us several metaphors for the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It’s the “mystical ladder” which we climb to “embrace God Our Savior.” It’s also a “most precious shrine” which contains the “unlimited treasures of His merits.”…

From the Front Lines of the War on Sanity

By Adam Minihan | June 27, 2014

NRA Fights for Convicted Stalkers’ Gun Rights Gun violence is a prolife issue too.

A Protestant Reader Who Wants to be Catholic writes…

By Adam Minihan | June 27, 2014

 I just wanted to thank you for your article about Marian devotion, which I found incredibly helpful and enlightening. I came to faith in Christ in a Baptist church here in the UK, but then moved to a Church of Christ fellowship a few years later and eventually went to Bible college and was…

North Korea’s Weird Little Psychopathic Dwarf is Vewwy Vewwy Upset

By Adam Minihan | June 27, 2014

…and calls this an “act of war“: I think I’ll go see it, just to spite him.

Slate is Beyond Parody Sometimes

By Adam Minihan | June 27, 2014

Here is some ninny wringing her (xer?) hands at the horror of saying “It’s a boy!/It’s a girl!” at birth. It’s gender imperialism, doncha know. The sheer melodrama of the thing merits being read aloud at a party. Unintentional hilarity at its finest.