
Few Things are More Entertaining…

By Adam Minihan | July 2, 2014

… than when the abortion lobby does not get its way and, in retaliation, unhinges its jaw and devours its own head.  

The Vile Ugliness of the Jingo Right

By Adam Minihan | July 2, 2014

Actually, no, Mr. Drudge. It was not a designation or a status or a political football, but – as the article reveals – “an 11-year-old Guatemalan boy… wearing ‘Angry Bird’ jeans, black leather boots and a white rosary around his neck” that was found dead. And the plight of the widow, the orphan, and the…

The Man Who Used to be Franky Schaeffer Completely Loses His Mind

By Adam Minihan | July 1, 2014

…over the Hobby Lobby decision.  I’m amazed he didn’t bring in chemtrails, moon landing hoaxes, and lizard people into his bizarre conspiracy theory.

Today: Prayer Rally for Purity

By Adam Minihan | July 1, 2014

Of all the problems faced in today’s culture, one of the most devastating is rampant impurity. Pornography is ubiquitous, children are sexually active, TV and movies are filled with explicit scenes, the contraceptive mentality reigns, and the list goes on. And despite popular opinion to the contrary, these sins are never private. How we think about sex affects every…

“Frozen” and the Lie of False Freedom

By Adam Minihan | July 1, 2014

Before we even begin here, I get that Frozen is sooooo “yesterday’s news”, but my 9 year old daughter’s chorale group just performed “Let it Go” at a recent concert and, having been  torutured, ahem, treated to my children belting it out at the top of their lungs for several weeks now, I must confess that I…

Ross Douthat Moderates a Conversation between Peter Thiel and N.T. Wright

By Adam Minihan | July 1, 2014

…and it is gripping stuff. Seriously.

Chelsea Clinton Energetically Saws off Branch of Family Tree She is Sitting On

By Adam Minihan | July 1, 2014

….wishes her Grandmother had had access to Planned Parenthood. Not the sharpest scalpel in the drawer. Particularly, when she, who is rich as Croesus, stoops down to provide uplift by informing the toiling slobs that she really doesn’t care about money. If it doesn’t mean anything to her, perhaps she should give some to the…

Yr. Obdt. Svt. on Blogging

By Adam Minihan | July 1, 2014

…is under discussion over at Intercollegiate Review.

The Freakoutery over the HHS Ruling is Very Entertaining and Incoherent

By Adam Minihan | July 1, 2014

Case in point: Um, right.  Not your boss’s business.  Your business.  If you don’t want it to be your boss’s business, don’t frogmarch him into your bedroom and force him to pay for your rubbers and pills.  You pay for them.  They are cheap and so common that they are screwing up the water supply.…

From the Front Lines of the War on the Weak

By Adam Minihan | July 1, 2014

California forcibly and illegally sterilizes a bunch of women. Margaret Sanger’s term for such women was “human weeds”. Our culture will come up with a nicer term like “reproductively challenged”. But the bottom line is that our Ruling Class has no problem with mutilating and sterilizing the poor and an awful lot of Americans will…