
Catholic Social Teaching and the Icon of the Family

By Adam Minihan | July 3, 2014

According to Catholic teaching, one of our principal functions as laypeople in the Church is participation in the secular world and renewing the face of the earth. However, many lay members of the Church remain perplexed by Catholic social teaching and how to view the American political scene in relation to it. To some, the…

Prayer Request

By Adam Minihan | July 3, 2014

A reader writes: Pray for healing for my friends 2year old daughter. She has a very serious infection and is now in Children’s Hospital in Seattle for surgery and treatment. Also lift up her mom and dad and big brother for peace and strength. Father, hear our prayer for her complete healing in body, soul,…

Strength Through Incompetent Violence!

By Adam Minihan | July 3, 2014

Rush Limbaugh Continues Standard Conservative Francis-Hating Tactics

By Adam Minihan | July 3, 2014

It’s pretty simple. Take some MSM misreading of something Francis says–usually something a 10 year old could understand with a little effort–believe the MSM misreading, and then smite Francis hip and thigh for things he didn’t say and obviously did not mean. Rebecca Hamilton is right. The most *charitable* explanation is that Limbaugh is an…

Extremely Cool New Tolkien Recording Found

By Adam Minihan | July 2, 2014

From a dinner in the Netherlands hosted for him in March 1958. At the start of the speech Tolkien is indeed full of high-spirits and cracks jokes in a way that we’ve never heard him do before. Rather than the ultra-serious Oxford don whom most of us know from his scanty recordings, we get Tolkien-as-Bilbo,…

Another Way to Help Iraqis Whose Lives are Being Destroyed…

By Adam Minihan | July 2, 2014

…is to support

The Family as the Icon of the Holy Trinity

By Adam Minihan | July 2, 2014

We Catholic Patheosi, in anticipation of the Synod on the Family, will be holding a little synod of our own over the next few days, discussing the Catholic understanding of the family.  Accordingly, I’m posting a little two parter I hope will be useful in situating the family in the Church’s theology and in helping…

Catholic Lane is Kicking Off a Cool Series…

By Adam Minihan | July 2, 2014

…on the Church Fathers.  First at bat, Clement of Rome. By the way, if you are interested in the apostolic Fathers then I highly recommend Four Witnesses by born storyteller Rod Bennett.  Also, Mike Aquilina’s Fathers of the Early Church is invaluable.

This is so many kinds of awesome I may vibrate too fast to be visible

By Adam Minihan | July 2, 2014

Steve Greydanus interviewing Scott Derrickson on Horror, Faith, Chesterton and His New Movie Deliver Us From Evil and how he is Marvel’s recruit to direct Doctor Strange–wherein he talks about mystery, Catholicism, and confronting evil. We live in a time of wonders!

Docility vs. Minimum Daily Adult Requirement Thinking Re: Mammon

By Adam Minihan | July 2, 2014

Whenever the pope teaches about the other sacred thing we keep in our pants–our wallets–one often hears “The Pope was not speaking ex cathedra…. We can thus choose to accept it or not.”  We also often hear that his teaching is some kind of radical departure from the traditional teaching of the Church.  You know:…